
Nalezeno "Cheating": 61

Apex Legends Tournament Postponed After Players Hacked Mid-Game

A big Apex Legends tournament came to an abrupt end after a handful of pro players were hacked during one of the final matches of the competition. Developer Respawn Entertainment and publisher EA have yet to comment on the situation, leaving folks frustrated with the state of the game and...

Palworld Devs Are Aware Of The Game’s Growing Cheating Epidemic

Folks just can’t get enough of Palworld, the “Pokémon with guns” survival game that’s selling like hot cakes right now. While everyone and their mother’s getting in on the action, the game’s official servers are being plagued by cheaters and hackers that developer Pocketpair hopes will get stamped...

Chinese Chess Champ Stripped Of Title After Taking A Dump In A Bathtub

When you accomplish something big, like winning a major tournament, how do you celebrate? Maybe you jump around in excitement, salty rivulets streaming down your face in a rush of emotions. Maybe you pop a bottle of champagne and spray it around like an NFL player after the Super Bowl. Or,...

Someone Found Secret Cheat Codes In A 14-Year-Old Gran Turismo Game

14 years after Gran Turismo on the PlayStation Portable launched, someone discovered previously undocumented cheat codes in the portable racing game. It’s a good reminder that there are likely thousands of undiscovered secrets, cheats, and Easter eggs lurking in video games. Read more

YouTubers Put Anal Bead Chess Conspiracy To The Test

The chess world was rocked by a cheating scandal last September after former world champion Magnus Carlsen insinuated that an opponent, grandmaster Hans Niemann, had used foul play to beat him at the Sinquefield Cup in St. Louis, Missouri. Now, some British YouTubers have put the most outlandish...

CoD: Warzone Players Warned They’ll Go ‘Splat’ If They Cheat

Call of Duty games are prone to hackers who exploit the system to get all kinds of advantages. That’s why Modern Warfare III, the latest entry in the long-running shooter franchise, is introducing a handful of new anti-cheat measures—including a hilarious one for Warzone that will flatten will...

Players Love This New FPS, Except For The Cheaters And AI Voice Acting

The Finals is a forthcoming free-to-play first-person shooter from new studio Embark, set in a fictional game show’s death arena. Its open beta—which you can sign up for now through November 5 on Steam, PS5, or Xbox Series X/S—promises confetti colors and similarly striking flames and explosions....

Destiny 2 Offers Players $45 Credit After Banning Them By Mistake

Destiny 2 has been cracking down on cheating in recent years, and the sci-fi shooter is now riddled with players who claim they were banned by mistake. However, it seems at least some of them may have been telling the truth: Bungie recently contacted a few players to apologize for banning them...

Chess World's 'Anal Bead' Cheating Saga Quietly Comes To An End

It felt like this day might never come, but former world champion Magnus Carlsen and grandmaster Hans Niemann have finally put the cheating scandal that rocked the chess world last year, including meme-filled speculation about anal beads, to bed. Read more

Destiny 2 'Assault' By Cheaters Is Ending, Bungie Says In Lawsuit

A new Destiny 2 cheat maker is ruining its competitive multiplayer, and Bungie is banking on its string of recent legal victories to crush it. The Sony-owned studio filed a lawsuit against the group behind the Ring-1 software as it claims the days of players “feeling free to engage in a wholesale...

Call of Duty Now Flags Cheaters In The Kill Feed, In Real Time

Call of Duty now alerts players when a cheater has been removed from their lobbies. The change comes as part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II and Warzone 2.0’s season five content expansion, which released August 2, and as a new part of developer Infinity Ward’s Ricochet initiative to limit...

Call Of Duty Now Tricks Cheaters With Fake Enemies

Developers Infinity Ward and Raven Software have introduced new anti-cheat tech that’ll troll Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0 hackers in a hilarious way: introducing hallucinations that only cheaters can see.Read more

Free-To-Play Shooter Shuts Down For Good Due To Cheaters

Developer Yager Development has announced that its free-to-play multiplayer shooter The Cycle: Frontier will go offline forever on September 27. The developer gave a few reasons for the shutdown, including an interesting one: Cheaters ruined the experience for everyone involved.Read more

Mysterious New GTA Online Shirt Has Fans Convinced Rockstar Is Teasing GTA 6

Do you hear that? The faint sound of thousands of Grand Theft Auto fans going wild online over the latest (possible) GTA 6 conspiracy. This time it involves an odd shirt with a coded message that briefly appeared in GTA Online after the latest update. And while the shirt seems to be gone now,...

GTA Online Just Got Its Best New Feature In Years

Grand Theft Auto Online’s latest update, San Andreas Mercenaries, adds new missions and quality-of-life changes to the aging online game. However, while that content is cool and all, the best thing added in this update is probably (and surprisingly) a new menu. I know, doesn’t sound very exciting....

10 Of The Best Ways Games Put Dirty Cheaters In Their Place

In most games, when a cheater gets caught in the act, they receive their just desserts in the form of a swift ban. Goodbye! But sometimes developers want to have a little more fun at the loser’s expense, go an extra mile to do something a little more memorable and elaborate. Maybe they disable...

New Call Of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Update Takes Cheaters' Guns Away

No one likes cheaters, especially not the Ricochet Anti-Cheat team, Call of Duty’s dedicated cheat-busting unit. On April 4, Ricochet put out a brief report detailing how it’s preserving the integrity of the game. They’ve got some pretty hilarious ways of screwing over cheaters, from making their...

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