
Nalezeno "DODO": 33

Přepravce DODO loni zvýšil tržby na 1,3 mld. korun

Přepravní společnost DODO loni doručila přes 5,8 milionu objednávek a dosáhla tím svého dosud nejvyššího obratu 1,3 miliardy korun. To je o 39 % víc než v roce 2021. I navzdory vypjaté ekonomické situaci firma počet obsloužených objednávek téměř zdvojnásobila

Supply of Tokenized Bitcoin Dropped Significantly Since the Start of the Year

This year, the number of tokenized bitcoins hosted on alternative blockchains like Ethereum, has dropped a great deal. Last January the number of wrapped bitcoin (WBTC) issued on the Ethereum blockchain was around 266,880 WBTC and since then, the number has dropped by more than 15% down to 225,962...

USM.World Collaborates With DODO to Establish Base of Operations in Metaverse

Driven by the Proactive Market Making (PMM) mechanism, DODO is a decentralized Trading Protocol for Web3 that USM.World (native coin: $RACA) is happy to announce its cooperation with. The Proactive Market Maker (PMM) heuristic, developed by DODO, enables market participants and LPs to focus solely...

Offchain Labs Launches Arbitrum One Mainnet — Startup Raises $120 Million

On August 31, 2021, Offchain Labs announced the official launch of Arbitrum One mainnet and further detailed that the company has raised $120 million in funding. The Series B financing led by Lightspeed Venture Partners gives the firm a $1.2 billion valuation. Arbitrum One Mainnet Is Now Live...

DODO Declares Sale of Pandora’s Blindbox by Fear NFT Games

DODO has finally announced that Fear NFT Games shall launch the sale of Pandora’s Blindbox at the NFT platform of DODO. The decentralized NFT platform of DODO enables users to create, fractionalize, and auction tokenized assets across blockchain networks. DODO is known for its liquidity...

DODO Becomes First Member of DeFi Suite of Arbitrum

In an important announcement, Arbitrum has included DODO in its suite of decentralized applications (dApps). This inclusion will help bring the desired amount of liquidity to the network of multiple blockchains, thereby helping the segment further its influence and appeal among prospective users...

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