
Nalezeno "DeFi protocol": 250

Onchain Alerts Uncover $19 Million Siphoned From Defi Protocol Uwu Lend

On June 10, the onchain intelligence platform Arkham revealed that the decentralized finance (defi) protocol Uwu Lend may have experienced a potential exploit. Arkham and Cyvers reported that more than $19 million had been siphoned from the lending protocol. Over $19M Drained From Uwu Lend The defi...

Metaplex Announces Introduction of Hybrid Defi Protocol for Solana

Metaplex, a Solana-based protocol that allows for the easy deployment of NFTs across applications, has introduced MPL-404, a hybrid decentralized finance standard. MPL-404 leans on SPL-404, a protocol that allows for the exchange of an NFT for a fixed number of tokens assigned by the designers...

Prisma Finance Suffers $11 Million Hack Involving FixedFloat Exchange

Prisma Finance, a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol, was the victim of a sophisticated hack involving FixedFloat, which resulted in a loss of $9 million. The post Prisma Finance Suffers $11 Million Hack Involving FixedFloat Exchange appeared first on Cryptonews

Blueberry DeFi Protocol Suspends Lending Services After $1.3M Exploit

In an X post published on February 23, the Blueberry Protocol Foundation announced that it was currently experiencing an “ongoing exploit” and recommended users to withdraw their funds from Blueberry lending markets while the foundation worked on halting the protocol. The post Blueberry DeFi...

DeFi Protocol Tranchess Launches New Staking Products With Lido Finance

Tranchess, a decentralized protocol specializing in risk-adjusted yield solutions for digital assets, announced the launch of two new staking products in collaboration with Lido Finance, a leading liquid staking platform. These products, dubbed “staYETH” and “turYETH,”...

L2 Protocol Blast Soars Past $1 Billion in Locked Crypto Value

Statistics reveal that the Ethereum layer two (L2) platform Blast now secures over $1 billion within its protocol. The total value locked (TVL) in Blast has expanded more than twelvefold since its launch in late November. Blast’s TVL Hits $1 Billion Initially, on Nov. 22, 2023...

DeFi Protocol Sushi's CTO Warns of Possible Exploit

Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Sushi has reportedly been hit by a front-end exploit, with the company's CTO issuing a warning about an industry-wide exploit related to a "commonly used" web3 connector

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