
Nalezeno "Docker": 21

Docker: Pečeme obraz pro více platforem

Docker v několika posledních verzích přinesl nástroje, které zásadně vylepšují proces tvorby Docker obrazů pro více platforem. Pojďme se podívat, jak s nimi jednoduše pracovat

Dock Life: Using Docker for All The Things!

I think if you’re a DevOps person in any capacity, the utility of Docker is very clear. Your things run in containers that are identical everywhere. Assuming Docker is working/running, the code will execute in a reliably consistent way whether …

Kubernetes Clusters Used to Mine Monero by Attackers

Attackers are abusing an attack vector present in one of the most popular execution engines (Argo Workflows) to repurpose Kubernetes systems to mine cryptocurrencies. The attack exploits a vulnerability in the system of permissions of Argo Workflows machines connected to the internet, deploying...

Docker Changes Free-Tier Service Policy Due to Cryptocurrency Mining Abuse

Docker, a popular cloud computing integration solution, is making changes to its free-tier service due to cryptocurrency mining abuse. The service discontinued its “autobuild” feature due to misuse by bad actors, using it to mine cryptocurrencies in their servers. This is a modus...

A Gentle Introduction to Using a Docker Container as a Dev Environment

Sarcasm disclaimer: This article is mostly sarcasm. I do not think that I actually speak for Dylan Thomas and I would never encourage you to foist a light theme on people who don’t want it. No matter how wrong they may be. When Dylan Thomas penned the words, “Do not go gentle into that good...

One Action, Multiple Terminal Windows Running Stuff

Many development environments require running things in a terminal window. npm run start, or whatever. I know my biggest project requires me to be running a big fancy Docker-based thing in one terminal, Ruby on Rails in another, and webpack in another. I’ve worked on other projects that...

An Annotated Docker Config for Front-End Web Development

Andrew Welch sings the praises of using Docker containers for local dev environments: Here are the advan­tages of Dock­er for me: • Each appli­ca­tion has exact­ly the envi­ron­ment it needs to run, includ­ing spe­cif­ic ver­sions of any of the plumb­ing need­ed to get it to work (PHP, MySQL...

Web<element> – první vydání fullstack konference

Jak to vlastně je s těmi full-stack vývojáři? Existují? Nebo jsou to jen urban legends? Ale víte co? Je to jedno. Ale co taková konfrence, která bude mít široký přesah? Tak na to odpověd máme v podobě prvního webelementu

Nejčtenější články roku 2018

Co vás na Zdrojáku nejvíc zaujalo v uplynulém roce? 10 nejčtenějších článků. Docker. Otevřené .git repozitáře. Nábor. Eventloop. Přestavba Angularu. Security.txt. Atomické CSS. Webdesign 2017. PHP 7.3. Zranitelnosti dle OWASP

Souhrn 46. týdne

VisBug. HTTP/3. Squoosh. Dart 2.1. Amazon Corretto. Útoky na Docker. BFloat16. Meltdown &#038; Spectre again. Elasticsearch 6.5.0. Videa z DjangoCon US 2018

Docker a Windows

Docker na Windows může mít více podob, podíváme se na ně

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