Chainalysis Report Says $2.2 Million in Crypto Has Been Sent to Pro-Russian Groups in Ukraine
According to a report stemming from the blockchain intelligence company Chainalysis, the firm identified 54 pro-Russian groups that have “collectively received over $2.2 million worth of cryptocurrency.” The paramilitary groups in Ukraine primarily received bitcoin and ether donations...
Ukrainian Volunteer Groups Accept Bitcoin Donations Amid Tensions With Russia, Study Finds
Non-government and volunteer organizations collecting funds to support Ukrainian forces have been accepting donations in cryptocurrency, a new report has unveiled. The findings have been published amid heightened tensions with Russia, which has been accused of amassing troops at the border with...
Nový Battlefield naštval Ukrajince, umožňuje hrát za ruského okupanta
Vojenská střílečka Battlefield 2042 ještě ani oficiálně nevyšla a její tvůrci už musí řešit ožehavý problém. Jeden z kosmetických doplňků, kterými hráči mohou ozdobit své virtuální avatary, totiž nápadně připomíná neoficiální uniformu ruských vojáků, kteří v utajení bojovali ve válce na východní...