
Nalezeno "Elements": 48

Don’t Sleep On These Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Combat Tips

A fusion of real-time reaction speed and tactical decision-making, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s combat system is both speedy and strategic. If it’s been a while since you’ve played 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, or if you’re jumping into Rebirth as your first modern FF7 experience, this guide will...

The Best Early Final Fantasy XVI Abilities To Unlock And Upgrade ASAP

When protagonist Clive Rosfield takes to the battlefield in Final Fantasy XVI, he channels the otherworldly magical power of the Eikons, enormous and incredibly powerful magical entities. This new interpretation of classic Final Fantasy Summons like Shiva and Ifrit is at the center of the game’s...

Making Calendars With Accessibility and Internationalization in Mind

Doing a quick search here on CSS-Tricks shows just how many different ways there are to approach calendars. Some show how CSS Grid can create the layout efficiently. Some attempt to bring actual data into the mix. Some … Making Calendars With Accessibility and Internationalization in Mind...

An Approach to Lazy Loading Custom Elements

We’re fans of Custom Elements around here. Their design makes them particularly amenable to lazy loading, which can be a boon for performance. Inspired by a colleague’s experiments, I recently set about writing a simple auto-loader: Whenever a custom … An Approach to Lazy Loading...

Creating Animated, Clickable Cards With the :has() Relational Pseudo Class

The CSS :has() pseudo class is rolling out in many browsers with Chrome and Safari already fully supporting it. It’s often referred to it as “the parent selector” — as in, we can select style a parent element from a … Creating Animated, Clickable Cards With the :has() Relational Pseudo Class...

Single Element Loaders: The Bars

We’ve looked at spinners. We’ve looked at dots. Now we’re going to tackle another common pattern for loaders: bars. And we’re going to do the same thing in this third article of the series as we have the others … Single Element Loaders: The Bars originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should...

Conditionally Styling Selected Elements in a Grid Container

Calendars, shopping carts, galleries, file explorers, and online libraries are some situations where selectable items are shown in grids (i.e. square lattices). You know, even those security checks that ask you to select all images with crosswalks or whatever. 🧐… Conditionally...

Playing Genshin Impact's Last Update As Its Villain Was Eye-Opening

I’ve been building up my Raiden Shogun character so that I could use her to clear Genshin Impact’s latest chapter. She’s the main antagonist of the game’s Inazuma region, so I thought it would be interesting to attack and dethrone god using god herself. Read more

CSS Pseudo Commas

A bonafide CSS trick if there ever was one! @ShadowShahriar created a CodePen demo that uses pseudo-elements to place commas between list items that are displayed inline, and the result is a natural-looking complete sentence with proper punctuation. CodePen Embed… The post CSS Pseudo Commas...

Using Custom Elements in Svelte

Svelte fully supports custom elements (e.g. <my-component>) without any custom configuration or wrapper components and has a perfect score on Custom Elements Everywhere. However, there are still a few quirks you need to watch out for, especially around … The post Using Custom...

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Has A Great Fallen Order Moment

Disney, the ultimate experts in brand tie-ins, did something very specific last Friday that stood out to anyone who has played Respawn’s terrific Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order game. To go along with the announcement that Fallen Order will get an upgrade for the PS5 and Xbox Series X, Star Wars:...

Creating Custom Form Controls with ElementInternals

Ever since the dawn of time, humanity has dreamed of having more control over form elements. OK, I might be overselling it a tiny bit, but creating or customizing form components has been a holy grail of front-end web development … The post Creating Custom Form Controls with ElementInternals...

Did You Know About the :has CSS Selector?

File this under stuff you don’t need to know just yet, but I think the :has CSS selector is going to have a big impact on how we write CSS in the future. In fact, if it ever ships in … The post Did You Know About the :has CSS Selector? appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Web Components Are Easier Than You Think

When I’d go to a conference (when we were able to do such things) and see someone do a presentation on web components, I always thought it was pretty nifty (yes, apparently, I’m from 1950), but it always seemed complicated … The post Web Components Are Easier Than You Think appeared first...

Bold on Hover… Without the Layout Shift

When you change the font-weight of a font, the text will typically cause a bit of a layout shift. That’s because bold text is often larger and takes up more space. Sometimes that doesn’t matter, like a vertical stack of links where the wider/bolder text doesn’t push anything...

Pseudo-elements in the Web Animations API

To use the Web Animations API (e.g. el.animate()) you need a reference to a DOM element to target. So, how do you use it on pseudo-elements, which don’t really offer a direct reference? Dan Wilson covers a (newish?) part of the API itself: const logo...

Playing With (Fake) Container Queries With watched-box & resizeasaurus

Heydon’s <watched-box> is a damn fantastic tool. It’s a custom element that essentially does container queries by way of class names that get added to the box based on size breakpoints that are calculated with ResizeObserver. It’s like a cleaner version of what Philip...

Why Do Some HTML Elements Become Deprecated?

The internet has been around for a long while, and over time we’ve changed the way we think about web design. Many old techniques and ways of doing things have gotten phased out as newer and better alternatives have been created, and we say that they have been deprecated. Deprecated. It’s a word...

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