Meta Launches Meta Pay, a Metaverse Dedicated Digital Wallet
Meta, the metaverse-based platform, has announced the launch of a new wallet directed to support value interaction in the metaverse. Meta Pay, a rebrand of the former Facebook Pay service, will keep fulfilling the same functions that Facebook Pay did in the past, but will be developed as...
Facebook Owner Meta Files Trademark Applications for ‘Meta Pay’ Covering Crypto Services
Meta Platforms Inc., formerly Facebook, has filed five trademark applications for “Meta Pay.” The filings cover a wide range of cryptocurrency services. The company is renaming Facebook Pay to Meta Pay. Trademark Applications for Meta Pay Meta Platforms Inc., formerly Facebook, filed...
Další způsob, jak si poslat peníze. Facebook pay umožní platby přímo v konverzaci na Messengeru
Facebook představil vlastní platební službu Facebook Pay, která je jeho dalším pokusem stát se platebním prostředkem pro masy. Rozdíl proti konkurenčním službám je ten, že nejde o klasické bezkontaktní platby, ale pouze o platby online.
Facebook Pay je součástí aplikací Facebook a Messenger,
Facebook Launches a New Payment Platform “Facebook Pay” For Social Networks
Facebook launched a payment system, Facebook Pay, which will operate on its platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. The Social Media site also cleared that it has nothing to do with the platform’s proposed cryptocurrency Libra. In a press brief, the company’s official...