
Nalezeno "Federal Government": 41

Fed Chair Powell Says US Government Is on ‘Unsustainable’ Fiscal Path

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says in the long run, the U.S. federal government is on an unsustainable fiscal path due to its ballooning debt growing faster than the economy. Moreover, the Fed chair cautioned that there will be some banks that have to be closed or merged out of existence....

75 US Lawmakers Now Support CBDC Anti-Surveillance Bill

Congressman Tom Emmer’s CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act now has 75 cosponsors. “A central bank digital currency is government-controlled programmable money that, if not designed to emulate cash, could give the federal government the ability to surveil and restrict Americans’ transactions,”...

Putin Wants Limit on Currency Purchases for Russians Dealing With Foreigners

Russian citizens and firms doing business abroad may soon be restricted in the amount of foreign currency they are allowed to acquire, on order from Vladimir Putin. Russia’s head of state now wants his government to cap such purchases on the domestic forex market. President Putin Orders Russian...

Income Tax Applies to Crypto Trading in Bosnia, Tax Administration Says

Individuals are expected to pay income tax on gains from cryptocurrency trading, the tax authority of Bosnia has determined. In the absence of dedicated regulations, the federal government in Sarajevo has set up a working group to assess various risks associated with digital assets. Income Tax...

Free Talk Live Co-Host Ian Freeman Found Guilty in Federal Crypto Trial

After close to two years, following the U.S. federal government accusing the Crypto Six of unlicensed money transmission, the case is seemingly coming to an end. According to multiple reports, Keene resident and libertarian activist, Ian Freeman, the last member of the Crypto Six case to be tried...

Coordinating the Federal Government's Approach to Crypto

President Joe Biden raised the hopes of the U.S. crypto industry by signing an executive order that directed federal entities to better regulate crypto. That’s why Carole House, a former White House adviser and one of the order’s chief authors, is one of CoinDesk’s Most Influential 2022

Brazil Might Approve Its Cryptocurrency Law This Week

This week, the Chamber of Deputies in Brazil might approve a cryptocurrency bill introduced earlier this year. According to the leader of the Federal Government in the Chamber, Ricardo Barros, the bill is set to be discussed, but there are still no reports on a possible vote as the Chamber is...

Biden On Buffalo Shooting: 'Hate That Remains A Stain' On Nation’s Soul

In the wake of the horrific shooting in Buffalo this past weekend, President Joe Biden and New York Governor Kathy Hochul issued statements in response to the tragedy. Both the President and the First Lady issued an immediate response on May 15, referring to the shooting as “senseless...

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