
Nalezeno "Future of Work Week": 27

So You Want to Be a Bitcoin Developer?

Brink co-founder Mike Schmidt and Bitcoin Core developer Larry Ruane discuss the ins and outs of funding Bitcoin research and development. This post is part of CoinDesk's Future of Work Week

DAOs Are the New Way of Impact Work

"Impact DAOs" are at the forefront of new culture of work that asks us to move towards aligning our values with our actions, says the co-founder of Gitcoin

DAOs Are the Real Meritocracies

Decentralized autonomous organizations make contributing to open-source projects remunerative. In doing so, DAOs could transform the world of work

From an Attention Economy to a Values-Driven Economy

Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and DAOs are enabling further social scalability, changing work-life balance and giving communities the leeway to define themselves autonomously. The future is shifting to Web3 and for companies looking to get ahead of the fray, it'll be important to keep these concepts...

What It Takes to Get a Job in Crypto

CoinDesk asked a variety of crypto professionals about how they got their foot in the door in the industry. This piece is part of CoinDesk’s Future of Work Week

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