
Nalezeno "Gen Z": 34

Gen Z Investors Favor Crypto, But Experts Warn of Potential Risks

Crypto is the top choice for Gen Z investors, driven by their exposure to technology, social media, and easy investment access, according to a joint report by American finance industry organizations the CFA Institute and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). But despite the appetite...

Shib Original Vision ($SOV): Riding the Wave of Meme Coins Success

PRESS RELEASE. In recent years, meme coins have gained significant traction due to various social media trends and hype. This is because these coins are often associated with fun and accessible ways to invest in cryptocurrency. Moreover, they are easy to understand and trade, making them attractive...

Web3 to shape future for Gen-Z and Millennials

Web3 embraces decentralization and powers blockchain technology. Both are the core pillars of not just debatable, digital currency but also several projects looking to give more power to the community. Eliminating the middlemen, pretty much a synonym for a third party, is one of the objectives...

Army Planned To Spend Millions On Twitch And Call Of Duty To Recruit Gen Z

The U.S. Army’s gamer to soldier pipeline is hardly a secret at this point, but new documents show its recent, detailed plans to spend millions to recruit Gen Z through gaming-related sponsorships and ad campaigns. The partnerships ranged from Call of Duty Twitch streamers to sponsoring content...

Charles Schwab: Cryptocurrency Is a Top Method for Retirement Savings

A study published by financial giant Charles Schwab shows that cryptocurrency is a top method for retirement savings. “Gen Z and millennial workers are more likely to also invest in cryptocurrency, real estate, annuities, and small businesses, unlike older generations.” Crypto...

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