
Nalezeno "Hester": 110

SEC’s Hester Peirce urges US-UK Digital Securities Sandbox Cooperation

Hester Peirce, the US Securities and Exchange Commissioner, is advocating for the establishment of a collaborative digital securities sandbox between the United States and the Bank of England. This will enable companies to experiment with inventive finance equipment within a controlled space. ...

Hester Peirce’s crypto advice amid rising SEC frustrations

Hester Peirce, a commissioner at the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), expressed her skepticism regarding the SEC’s approach to the digital asset industry, particularly pointing out the methods of communication and enforcement used by her SEC colleagues.  In her speech at the...

SEC’s Gag Rule on Settlements Criticized by Commissioner Hester Peirce

SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce has voiced her criticism against the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) policy to uphold a gag rule impacting defendants who settle. In a statement published on the SEC’s website on January 30, Peirce argued that the rule, which prevents defendants...

SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce Challenges SEC’s Actions in LBRY Case

Hester Peirce , a commissioner at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has expressed her strong disapproval of the agency’s handling of charges against cryptocurrency startup LBRY. In a statement released on Friday, Peirce, known for her favorable stance towards the crypto industry...

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