
Nalezeno "JavaScript APIs": 7

Insert Cursor at Any Position at Command Line

As much as I enjoy writing lengthy pieces of JavaScript APIs, techniques, and other tech brilliance, I very much enjoy providing people quick tips to make their daily dev lives better. This is one such post. Oftentimes I’m working with long command line directives, and as you can imagine,...

Angular + Jamstack! (Free Webinar)

(This is a sponsored post.) It’s easy to think that working with Jamstack means working with some specific set of technologies. That’s how it’s traditionally been packaged for us. Think LAMP stack, where Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP are explicit tools and languages. or MEAN...

JAMstack vs. Jamstack

It's just a word to evoke the idea that serving as much as you can statically while using client-side code and hitting serverless APIs for any needs after that. The "official website" changed their language from JAMstack (evoking the JavaScript, APIs, and Markup acronym) to Jamstack. It's nothing...

Motion Paths – Past, Present and Future

Cassie Evans has a great intro to motion paths. That is, being able to animate an element along a path. Not just up/down/left/right, but whatever curvy/wiggly/weird path you want. It's an interesting subject because there are so many different technologies helping to do it over time. SMIL...

Let’s Build a JAMstack E-Commerce Store with Netlify Functions

A lot of people are confused about what JAMstack is. The acronym stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup, but truly, JAMstack doesn’t have to include all three. What defines JAMstack is that it’s served without web servers. If you consider the history of computing, this type of abstraction isn’t...

The W3C App Manifest specification

By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.)...

The W3C App Manifest specification

By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.)...

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