
Nalezeno "KYC Verification": 6

Ledger Taps Paypal for US Crypto Buys

Crypto security firm and hardware wallet manufacturer, Ledger, announced its integration of Paypal payments for U.S. customers. This will allow Ledger Live users to buy bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), bitcoin cash (BCH), and litecoin (LTC) within the app using Paypal. Ledger Enables Paypal Payments...

Coinex Exchange Lists the first SLP-Based Stablecoin Built on Bitcoin Cash

On June 12, the cryptocurrency exchange Coinex announced the listing of a new Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) token called honestcoin (USDH). The website details that the new token is a fully regulated stablecoin issued on the Bitcoin Cash network backed 1-to-1 for U.S. dollars. Also...

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