
Nalezeno "KeepKey": 15

ShapeShift Denies Claims By Kraken That KeepKey Can be Hacked in 15 Minutes

The KeepKey hardware wallet. Source: KeepKey, Instagram After cryptocurrency exchange Kraken reported a flaw in hardware wallet KeepKey, the owner of this product, crypto exchange ShapeShift replied that the report is misleading and the attack difficult to carry out. The story starts on December...

How to Cold Store Your Cryptocurrency for Safekeeping

If you’re new to the crypto scene you might have heard about people moving their assets into cold storage or cold wallets but were unsure exactly what this entails. Simply put, it means storing your crypto offline to reduce access to hackers. Here’s how you can easily freeze your coins...

How to Buy a Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet With Bitcoin Cash

Storing digital funds in a secure hardware wallet (HW) is a vital part of safeguarding your cryptocurrency holdings against hackers and other cyber threats. Here’s how to buy one of these devices for yourself using bitcoin cash. Also Read: Local BCH Venue Opens and Community Goal Nears in...

Customers Get A Sneak Peek into Shapeshift’s New Close Beta Platform

ShapeShift has opened its closed beta to its customer base. A closed beta is a test arrangement for the distribution of a beta-test version of software to a small tester group The new platform will provide greater interoperability among the key products from ShapeShift, including its KeepKey...

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