Miss Universe denies link with recently unveiled coin project
The Miss Universe Organization said that there is no Miss Universe cryptocurrency or blockchain offering involved with the Miss Universe or Miss Universe Philippines
Miss El Salvador Features Bitcoin in Miss Universe 2023
The Miss Universe contestant from El Salvador this year has surprised viewers by featuring bitcoin as part of her national costume. El Salvador has adopted the cryptocurrency as legal tender and has passed a new regulatory framework for the issuance of its long-awaited bitcoin-backed Volcano bonds....
Miss Universe contestant represents El Salvador with Bitcoin-inspired costume
"You don’t need a sash to walk around dressed as cash," said the Miss Universe 2023 announcer as Alejandra Guajardo showed off her currency-themed costume
Z VESMÍRU: O pádech z orbity a vesmírné stanici, která navštívila soutěž Miss Universe
„Co to ti Číňané hodili na Šumavu?!“
Nic. To se jen v uplynulých dnech se sešly dvě zprávy. Že při virtuální simulaci dopadl asteroid poblíž česko-rakousko-německého trojmezí a že obří stupeň čínské rakety spadne na neznámé místo naší planety. Pak už jen stačilo zprávy spojit do