
Nalezeno "Node.js": 40

Jak psát testy v Node.js bez použití frameworků

Od verze 18 obsahuje Node.js vlastní způsob pro psaní a spouštění testů. Ty spustíme prostým node --test. Samotné testy se píšou pomocí dobře srozumitelné syntaxe. Nechybí nic, co můžete při testování potřebovat, vyhodnocení…

Jak debuggovat Node.js pomocí Chrome DevTools

Chcete z prohlížeče ladit JavaScript běžící na serveru? Návod Node.js Debugging in Chrome DevTools vám poradí, jak na to. Na stránce chrome://inspect/ se připojíte na váš Node.js , které jste spustili s parametry…

Pohlídejte si kompatibilitu napříč různými JavaScripty

Web sleduje kompatibilitu API mezi různými runtime JavaScriptu, protože dnes už to dávno není jen Node.js. Sledujte, ať vás nic nepřekvapí. Projekt je ve vývoji a data zatím nemusí být zcela přesná

Deno představuje JSR – JavaScript Registry

O Denu jsme psali, je s námi již více jak tři roky. Podobně jako je pro Node.js důležité npm, bude mít Deno svého správce javascriptových modulů s názvem JSR (zkratka JavaScript Registry). JSR…

How to Use window.crypto in Node.js

I’ve been writing a bunch of jest tests recently for libraries that use the underlying window.crypto methods like getRandomValues() and window.crypto.subtle key management methods. One problem I run into is that the window.crypto object isn’t available, so I need to shim it. To use...

Specify Node Versions with .nvmrc

I’ve heavily promoted nvm, a Node.js version manager, over the years. Having a tool to manage multiple versions of a language interpreter has been so useful, especially due to the complexity of Node.js package management. One tip I like to give new developers is adding a .nvmrc file to their...

What the Heck is Node?

(This is a sponsored post.) Here’s what you need to know about Node.js (or simply Node) and how it relates to npm right off the bat: Node is JavaScript, but as a server-side language. This is possible because of … What the Heck is Node? originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should...

Command Line trash

One of the first commands you learn when experimenting with command line is rm, the utility for deleting files and directories. Deletion is a core computer UI operation but operating systems use a “Trash” paradigm, where files are stored before truly deleted. With the rm utility...

Web Streams Everywhere (and Fetch for Node.js)

Chrome developer advocate Jake Archibald called 2016 “the year of web streams.” Clearly, his prediction was somewhat premature. The Streams Standard was announced back in 2014. It’s taken a while, but there’s now a consistent streaming API implemented … The post Web Streams...

How to Implement Logging in a Node.js Application With Pino-logger

Logging, on its own, is a key aspect of any application. Logging helps developers comprehend what it is that their code is doing. It also helps save developers hours of debugging work. This tutorial is about implementing logging in a … The post How to Implement Logging in a Node.js...

Set a Default Node Version with nvm

As I’ve shown you in the past, nvm an excellent utility for switching between Node.js versions. Whether your host machine or CI, building and testing your apps on different Node versions is a necessity. I’ve recently found a few nvm commands that I found really useful during local...

GitHub Explains the Open Graph Images

An explanation of those new GitHub social media images: […] our custom Open Graph image service is a little Node.js app that uses the GitHub GraphQL API to collect data, generates some HTML from a template, and pipes it to  … The post GitHub Explains the Open Graph Images...

Ryan stvořil Deno a bylo to dobré

S nadsázkou se dá prohlásit, že vzniku Deno vděčíme hryzavému svědomí Ryana Dahla, autora NodeJS. Za jedenáct let, které dělí první verzi NodeJS a první verzi Deno, se ve světě referenčního JavaScriptu událo mnohé. Následovník NodeJS je proto mnohými vítán

Simple Node.js Proxy

When I wanted to refresh my React.js skills, I quickly moved to create a dashboard of cryptocurrencies, their prices, and and other aspects of digital value. Getting rolling with React.js is a breeze — create-react-app {name} and you’re off and running. Getting the API working...

Build a Node.js Tool to Record and Compare Google Lighthouse Reports

In this tutorial, I’ll show you step by step how to create a simple tool in Node.js to run Google Lighthouse audits via the command line, save the reports they generate in JSON format and then compare them so web performance can be monitored as the website grows and develops. I’m hopeful this...

How to Build Your Resume on npm

Just yesterday, Ali Churcher shared a neat way to make a resume using a CSS Grid layout. Let’s build off that a bit by creating a template that we can spin up whenever we want using the command line. The cool thing about that is that you’ll be able to run it with just one command. I know...

How to Create a QR Code

QR codes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I quite like them. If I see something I want to remember or check out later, especially when on the road, it’s super easy to take a quick picture — it’s much easier than trying to remember a URL and much faster than typing...

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