
Nalezeno "Photoshop": 83

Apple může vytvořit vlastní Photoshop. Kupuje tvůrce šikovného Pixelmatoru

Apple kupuje Pixelmator Team, autory stejnojmenného bitmapového editoru, kteří před 17 lety začali tvořit litevští bratři Saulius a Aidas Dailideové. Od začátku software designovali výhradně pro Macy a později i iPhony i iPady, využívali jazyky a rozhraní navržené Applem a samotná cupertinská

31 Best Watercolor Photoshop Actions (2024)

Want your Photoshop images to look like professional watercolor paintings, but don’t want to spend hours editing? In this post, we’ll be sharing the best watercolor Photoshop Actions that... The post 31 Best Watercolor Photoshop Actions (2024) appeared first on Onextrapixel

Canva se chce dotáhnout na Adobe a Photoshop. Kupuje tvůrce editoru Affinity Photo

Britské vývojářské studio Serif mění majitele. Firmu se všemi produkty a 90 zaměstnanci pohltila Canva za neupřesněnou částku. Podle informací Bloombergu se má pohybovat v řádu stovek milionů liber. Canva stojí za stejnojmenným grafickým nástrojem, který již používá 175 milionů lidí. Vznikla před

Final Fantasy XVI Update Will Make You Less Nauseous While Playing

Final Fantasy XVI’s first post-launch update just added one of its most requested features: the option to turn off motion blur. A new toggle in the settings menu will let players make the PlayStation 5 game look less dizzying, a boon to everyone who was getting motion sickness while trying...

Incredible Superman Cosplay Shoot Isn't Using Photoshop

Maul is one of the best and most famous cosplayers on the planet, a man whose work we’ve featured here for everything from God of War to Assassin’s Creed to, repeatedly, The Witcher. His latest shoot, however, might well be his best yet.Read more

Adobe Embraces AI Art, Can Get In The Bin

Adobe used to be known as the company that made Acrobat and PhotoShop. Addobe is increasingly becoming known, however, as one of the great digital grifters of the modern age.Read more

You’re Going To Have To Pay To Use Some Fancy Colors In Photoshop Now

It’s very likely you don’t give a great deal of thought to where the digital colors you use originally came from. Nor, probably, have you wondered who might “own” a particular color, when you picked it when creating something in Photoshop. But a lot of people are about to give this a huge amount...

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