WEF Predicts Metaverse Tech Will Change Industry First, Moving to the Consumer Space Later
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has published an article predicting how metaverse tech will evolve and how it will be introduced in different sectors. For the organization, the biggest impact of the implementation of this tech will be observed in industrial environments, where it will contribute...
Car Manufacturer Maruti Suzuki Launches Metaverse Showroom Experience in India
Maruti Suzuki, one of the biggest car manufacturers in India, has announced that it is taking its customer retail experience to the metaverse. The company announced on Jan. 1, it would launch a VR (virtual reality) network for its Arena showroom series, allowing its users to experience the Maruti...
Nvidia Projects Automotive Industry to Include Metaverse Tech in Its Operations in 2023
Nvidia, a graphics processing unit and artificial intelligence (AI) company, believes that 2023 could mark the start of a metaverse-driven age in the automotive industry. As part of this new conception, automotive companies will start to include metaverse tech and implement it in their industrial...
Už žádné šermování s mobilem. V elektromobilech Renault bude předinstalovaná navigace Waze
Komunitní navigace Waze přichází s novou aplikací, určenou pro automobilové palubní entertainmenty. Zatím bude k dispozici v elektromobilech Austral Hybrid a Megane E-Tech francouzské značky Renault, ve kterých poskytne řidičům vše, nač jsou od této navigace zvyklí, informuje Waze na svém
Stellantis Owned Fiat Launches Metaverse Store Using Touchcast and Microsoft Tech
Fiat, an automotive brand property of Stellantis, has launched its first metaverse-based store, which the company claims is the first showroom of its kind. The experience, which was developed with tech supplied by Touchcast and Microsoft, aims to make the virtual process of reviewing a car more...
Renault Launches Its Industrial Metaverse, Aims to Save $330 Million by 2025
Renault, one of the biggest automakers in the world, has announced it has built the first industrial metaverse, with all its production lines supplying data to this world. According to the company, this digital twin replica will allow it to save $330 million by 2025, diminishing warranty expenses...
Google za volantem. Test elektromobilu Renault Megane E-Tech 100% elektrický
Tradiční automobilky se naplno vrhly do elektromobility. Průkopnickou Teslu zpravidla překonají kvalitou konstrukce, ale slabinou bývá software. Renault se proto spojil s Googlem
Ford Files 19 Trademark Applications Preparing a Possible Metaverse Push
Leading automotive company Ford has filed 19 trademark applications related to possible metaverse activities. In the documents, the company hints at the potential launch of Ford-branded NFTs (non-fungible tokens) on its own marketplace, and also refers to the offering of virtual models of its cars...
Renault Inks Partnership With The Sandbox to Bring Automotive Experiences to the Metaverse
The Korean subsidiary of Renault, a historic brand in the automotive industry, is establishing a partnership with The Sandbox, an Ethereum-based metaverse platform, to enter the metaverse space. With this partnership, Renault Korea’s objective is to establish its brand presence in...
The Sandbox Collaborates With Renault Korea
The Sandbox, together with Renault Korea Motors, which happens to be a subsidiary of the French automobile manufacturing industry, Renault SA, in South Korea, have come together in a mutually beneficial partnership to take digital automotive experiences in the metaverse to the very next level. This...
Coinbase Blacklists Over 25,000 Crypto Addresses Tied to Russian Individuals and Entities
The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has addressed the company’s procedures toward complying with sanctions in a blog post published on Sunday. The crypto firm says that respecting sanctions plays a “vital role in promoting national security” and the acts can help deter...
Francouzi vrací do hry legendární mini: Renault 5 se reinkarnuje jako elektromobil
Francouzská automobilka Renault má v oblasti elektrické mobility velmi ambiciózní plány. Hodlá na trh uvést deset nových elektromobilů a do roku 2025 chce elektrifikovat 30 procent svého vozového parku. Plán se vztahuje na všechny koncernové značky – vedle Renaultu též na Dacii, Alpine, Ladu a
Zastaralá vojenská technika během druhé světové války (2): Tank Renault FT
Zastaralá vojenská technika během druhé světové války (2): Tank Renault FT
Zastaralá vojenská technika během druhé světové války: Tank Renault FT (2)
Zastaralá vojenská technika během druhé světové války: Tank Renault FT (2)
Renault tests blockchain platform for parts compliance
No, the blockchain is not in your car
Renault postavil auto, které dokáže měnit svou délku. Jmenuje se Morphoz
Elektrické SUV předvedl už také francouzský Renault, ale zatím jen ve formě konceptu. Ovšem ne ledajakém! Jmenuje se Morphoz a je to elektromobil, který dokáže prodlužovat či zkracovat svůj rozvor dle zamýšleného využití.
Vůz nabízí možnost provozu ve dvou režimech: kratším City a prodlouženém
5 Top Car Makers Enter Field Trials for Automatic Blockchain Payments
Renault, BMW, General Motors, Honda and Ford are set to begin real-world testing of blockchain IDs for cars next month
BMW, Renault, General Motors, Honda, Ford to Pilot Blockchain Project
Some of the world’s leading carmakers will begin a pilot for a blockchain-powered vehicle identification platform. The project might let the drivers of electric vehicles pay parking fees, maintenance fees, rest stop service fees and highway tolls charges faster and more effectively, without making...
Renault Board Presented with Merger Offer by Fiat Chrysler
In the world of top-level business, mergers and acquisitions often go on to create behemoths that can tide over any crisis in the industry and over the years, many such mergers have happened in the automobile industry. In a new development, it has now emerged that Fiat Chrysler has sent a merger...
Nejlepší auto na hraní, co jste kdy viděli. Cenou opravdu překvapí
Na konferenci GTC Europe byl oficiálně představen projekt StreetDrone. Je určen zejména do škol a univerzit, kde má sloužit například pro vývoj a testování studentských systémů pro autonomní řízení a další funkce automobilů budoucnosti