
Nalezeno "Right Click": 5

Detect the Content Type in the Clipboard

A user’s clipboard is a “catch all” between the operating system and the apps employed on it. When you use a web browser, you can highlight text or right-click an image and select “Copy Image”. That made me think about how developers can detect what is in...

Offering Options for mailto: and tel: Links

I generally like mailto: links. But I feel like I can smell a mailto: link without even inspecting or clicking it, like some kind of incredibly useless superpower. I know that if I’ve got my default mail client set, clicking that link will do what I want it to do, and if I want, I...

CSS Tips for New Devs

Amber Wilson has some CSS Tips for New Devs, like: It’s not a good idea to fix shortcomings in your HTML with CSS. Fix your HTML first! And… You can change CSS right in your browser’s DevTools (to open them, right-click the browser window and choose “inspect”...

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