Rockefeller a kanibalové: Padl slavný miliardář za oběť pomsty kmenu lidojedů?
Osudy bělochů ztracených v džungli vždy vyvolávají značnou pozornost, tím spíš, jde-li o slavnou osobnost. Dosud nevyjasněný zůstává i příběh Michaela Rockefellera, pravnuka kontroverzního amerického miliardáře. Jedna z hypotéz zní, že se stal kořistí kanibalského kmene na Nové Guineji
Bitcoin Will Make a Comeback, Rockefeller International Chairman Says
“We need the excesses to get weeded out,” Ruchir Sharma told CoinDesk TV
A Second Nintendo Store Is Opening In Japan
While you’d think Nintendo would have a slew of official shops in Japan, the Kyoto-based game company only has one. Located in Tokyo, the store, cleverly called Nintendo Tokyo, opened in November 2019. But that is going to change because now, in November 2021, Nintendo has announced a second one....
Ani Bill Gates ani John Rockefeller: Kdo byl nejbohatší člověk historie?
Ani Bill Gates ani John Rockefeller: Kdo byl nejbohatší člověk historie?
American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System was created after the “Panic of 1907” and ever since its inception in 1913, the Fed is one of the most powerful modern central banks in the world. Moreover, the Fed has always been either celebrated or criticized for stepping in whenever the U.S. is stricken...
Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society
It’s very odd that citizens never get to vote or have any say in regard to society’s money, even though it’s one of the most important aspects of everyday life. In fact, in developed countries, most central banks are institutions that are privatized from political interference...