Another Stab at Truncated Text
Seems like we’re always talking about clipping text around here. All it takes is a little browsing to spot a bunch of things we’ve already explored.
Sep 19, 2012
Multi-line Text Overflow Ellipsis
accessibility content...
How To Deal With Those Stab-Happy Impalers in Helldivers 2
Helldivers 2’s first major update, Escalation of Freedom, has dropped and it’s packing quite a lot of changes. Among them is the addition of some new enemy types, and the Impaler is probably the most fearsome of them all. OG Helldivers players may remember them from the first game, and now they’re...
'A F***ing Gut Stab': Game Industry Reacts To Shocking New Studio Closures
One of the worst years for cancellations, cuts, and closures in the history of the video game industry has just claimed its next victims, including Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks. Developers and fans alike are in disbelief. “Great teams are sunsetting before our eyes again, and it’s a fucking...
Do Kwon’s Extradition Likely to Take Time, Montenegrin Prosecutor Says
A prosecutor investigating Terraform Labs CEO Do Kwon for alleged passport forgery in Montenegro has indicated that he will not be extradited soon. The law enforcement official told South Korean media that Montenegrin authorities intend to indict Kwon within a month, ruling out the possibility...
Finding Front-End Development Scholarships
I’m often asked where to learn web development. The answer varies, of course, and we’ve published a few posts on the topic over the years, the most recent of which was Chris taking a stab at different learning paths in …
Finding Front-End Development Scholarships originally...
Stablecoin USDN Trades Below $1 Parity for 14 Days in a Row, Token Taps $0.91 Low This Week
Approximately 14 days ago, the stablecoin neutrino usd (USDN) tapped a high of $0.994 per unit, and ever since then, USDN has not been able to rise above the $0.97 per unit range. The dollar-pegged asset is associated with the Waves blockchain protocol, and recently the Neutrino Protocol decided...
Tether Launches Stablecoin Pegged to the British Pound Sterling
Tether, the company behind the largest stablecoin by market capitalization, has announced another fiat-pegged stablecoin called GBPT on Wednesday, tied to the value of the British pound sterling. The news follows Tether’s most recent launch of a Mexican peso-pegged crypto asset called MXNT....
Ukrajinci měli štáb české CNN za ruské špiony, ten nyní odjíždí ze země
Ukrajinská policie opakovaně zadržela redaktory CNN Prima News, kteří informují o ruské agresi na Ukrajině. Po ukrajinských sociálních sítích se totiž šířila fotografie redakčního vozu s komentářem, že jde o ruské špiony. Po podání vysvětlení policie redaktory propustila, doporučila jim však,...
Report: Decentralized Exchange Volume Surpasses $1 Trillion in 2021, Uniswap Leads the Pack
Decentralized exchange (dex) volumes have become very prominent this year and some dex applications have been dealing with volumes that are sizable to large centralized crypto exchanges. During the last seven days, Ethereum-based dex platforms processed $21 billion with Uniswap capturing 71% of...
[aktualita] Seznam chystá seriál Hotel Kokořín, štáb ho natočí během pěti dnů
Videoportál uvede na začátku března pětidílný seriál Hotel Kokořín, který pro něj natočí firma Premium Bananas Production. Každá epizoda komediálního cyklu bude mít 10 minut. Režie se ujal Jan Dufek, v seriálu si zahrají Jiří Mádl, Pavla Tomicová, Ondřej Malý, Denisa Pfauserová... Wallet Adds Shareable Payment Link Feature – Send Bitcoin Cash to Anyone via Text, Email, and Social Media
At, our team is all about spreading the benefits of peer-to-peer electronic cash and our flagship wallet is a testament to our team’s passion.’s noncustodial crypto wallet recently upgraded and now offers a new payment link feature that allows anyone to send...
How Auto Margins Work in Flexbox
Robin has covered this before, but I've heard some confusion about it in the past few weeks and saw another person take a stab at explaining it, and I wanted to join the party.
Say you have a flex container with some flex items inside that don't fill the whole area.
See the Pen
Facebook pod kontrolou. Štáb monitoruje pokusy ovlivnit evropské volby
Ve skleněné výškové budově v centru Dublinu, která je mezinárodní centrálou společnosti Facebook, se nachází takzvané operační centrum, ve kterém od minulého týdne monitoruje asi 40členný tým pokusy ovlivnit volby do Evropského parlamentu, píše server Politico
Peruny pro armádu prošly úpravami. Vozidla teď čekají náročné testy
Firma SVOS z Přelouče představila v terénu speciální vozidlo Perun pro českou armádu. Do její výzbroje mělo být zařazeno v počtu čtyř kusů už minulý rok, ale kvůli nutným úpravám vozidla se vše opozdilo a u příslušné jednotky se objeví až letos. Teprve praxe však ukáže, zda stroj dostojí svému...