World Wide Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Says Crypto Is ‘Really Dangerous’ but Can Be Useful for Remittances
World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee says cryptocurrency is “really dangerous” and “only speculative.” While claiming that crypto is for those who “want to have a kick out of gambling,” he noted that it could be useful for remittances. Sir Tim Berners-Lee...
Report Says Western Union Could Lose $400M if El Salvador’s Chivo Bitcoin Wallet Gains Traction, Tim Berners-Lee Weighs In
The Republic of El Salvador has made many headlines this week as the country adopted bitcoin as legal tender on Tuesday and became the first-known nation-state to purchase the leading crypto asset. A recent report details that remittance providers like Moneygram and Western Union could lose up...
World Wide Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Sells NFT for $5.4M — ‘Embarrassing’ Coding Error Spotted in NFT
Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, the English computer scientist who is well known for inventing the world wide web has sold a non-fungible token (NFT) in an online auction hosted by the auction house Sotheby’s. The NFT is basically a video of the World Wide Web’s source code created...
Bargain? World Wide Web’s source code NFT sells for $5.4M at Sotheby’s
The source code for the World Wide Web has been sold by the inventor for $5.4 million
[aktualita] Tvůrce WWW Tim Berners-Lee dává část zdrojového kódu do aukce jako NFT
Tim Berners-Lee, autor world wide webu, prodává prostřednictvím aukce část originálního zdrojového kódu, který posloužil k tvorbě moderního internetu. Kód jde do dražby v podobě NFT. Prodej zajistí aukční síň Sotheby´s a výnos půjde na dobročinné účely. World wide web vznikl v roce 1989 a umožnil...
Můžete vlastnit kus historie. Tim Berners-Lee draží původní zdrojový kód WWW
V rámci pokračující mánie kolem NFT, speciální formy tokenů na blockchainu, jde do dražby i něco, co je doslova historickým artiklem. Jak uvádí televize BBC, zakladatel world wide webu Tim Berners-Lee se rozhodl vydražit původní zdrojový kód, který se stal základem pro www. Ze strany Bernerse-Leeho
Chapter 2: Browsers
Previously in web history…
Sir Tim Berners-Lee creates the technologies behind the web — HTML, HTTP, and the URL which blend hypertext with the Internet — with a small team at CERN. He convinces the higher-ups in the organizations to put the web in the public domain so anyone can...
Chapter 1: Birth
Tim Berners-Lee is fascinated with information. It has been his life’s work. For over four decades, he has sought to understand how it is mapped and stored and transmitted. How it passes from person to person. How the seeds of information become the roots of dramatic change. It is so fundamental...
(Why) Some HTML is “optional”
Remy Sharp digs into the history of the web and describes why the <p> tag doesn’t need to be closed like this:
<p>Paragraphs don’t need to be closed
<p>Pretty weird, huh?
Remy writes:
Pre-DOM, pre-browsers, the world's first browser was being written by Sir...
Improving Video Accessibility with WebVTT
"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
- Tim Berners-Lee
Accessibility is an important element of web development, and with the ever-growing prevalence of video content, the necessity for captioned content is growing...
World Wide Web neboli celosvětová síť slaví 30 let. Tim Berners-Lee ho vytvořil jako technologii pro vědce
Přesně před 30 lety vydal TIm Berners-Lee materiál k nové technologii s označením „A large hypertext database with typed links“ a jak název této práce napovídá, jednalo se o první plány na web. Nikoli internet (síť protokolů), ale web, který zahrnuje odkazy a stránky uložené na serverech, mezi