
Nalezeno "TypeScript": 11

#posobota 29.4. na téma synchronization

Opět naživo, offline. V Praze v kancelářích LMC – Menclova 2538/2, Praha 8-Libeň Letos poprvé a naposledy v Praze. Čeká na vás 6 řečníků napříč tématy mezi backendem, frontendem a přesahem do softskills. Program Vstup…

The Relevance of TypeScript in 2022

It’s 2022. And the current relevance of TypeScript is undisputed. TypeScript has dominated the front-end developer experience by many, many accounts. By now you likely already know that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, building on JavaScript by adding … The Relevance of TypeScript...

Demystifying TypeScript Discriminated Unions

TypeScript is a wonderful tool for writing JavaScript that scales. It’s more or less the de facto standard for the web when it comes to large JavaScript projects. As outstanding as it is, there are some tricky pieces for the … Demystifying TypeScript Discriminated Unions originally published...

Building a Tennis Trivia App With Next.js and Netlify

Today we will be learning how to build a tennis trivia app using Next.js and Netlify. This technology stack has become my go-to on many projects. It allows for rapid development and easy deployment. Without further ado let’s jump in!… The post Building a Tennis Trivia App With Next.js...

CSS in TypeScript with vanilla-extract

vanilla-extract is a new framework-agnostic CSS-in-TypeScript library. It’s a lightweight, robust, and intuitive way to write your styles. vanilla-extract isn’t a prescriptive CSS framework, but a flexible piece of developer tooling. CSS tooling has been a relatively stable space over … The...

Integrating TypeScript with Svelte

Svelte is one of the newer JavaScript frameworks and it’s rapidly rising in popularity. It’s a template-based framework, but one which allows for arbitrary JavaScript inside the template bindings; it has a superb reactivity story that’s simple, flexible and effective; and as an ahead-of-time (AOT)...

TypeScript & Relevance

In our wide world of building for the web, we have every opportunity to talk about tools. We lunge to fill every gap we find in our projects with a definitive technological approach. Some of us are given “a seat at the table” feasting on even the most minuscule of technological debates. This...

TypeScript, Minus TypeScript

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock the last several years (and let’s face it, hiding under a rock sometimes feels like the right thing to do), you’ve probably heard of and likely used TypeScript. TypeScript is a syntactical superset of JavaScript that adds — as its name suggests — typing to...

Creating Reusable Base Classes in TypeScript with a Real-Life Example

Hey CSS-Tricksters! Bryan Hughes was kind enough to take a concept from an existing post he published on converting to TypeScript and take it a few couple steps further in this post to elaborate on creating reusable base classes. While this post doesn’t require reading the other one, it’s certainly...

Poslední sobota #100 celodenní konference

24. listopadu se v pražské Paralelní Polis opět uskuteční sraz webových vývojářů Poslední sobota alias PoSobota. Ku příležitosti 100. jsme se rozhodli ji uchopit trošku jinak. Větší. Okruh témat je různorodý, ale blízký webovému…

Vue + TypeScript: A Match Made in Your Code Editor

Vue is so hot right now and I’ve been thinking of doing a serious project with it since quite a while, so when the opportunity popped up, I hopped in. But there was a little problem — one of the requirements of the project was to write it in TypeScript. At first, I was super stressed about...

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