
Nalezeno "US FDA": 24

Senator Says YouTuber Logan Paul’s Energy Drink Is Unsafe For Kids

Controversial YouTuber Logan Paul is making headlines again, as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has called on The Food and Drug Administration to investigate the influencer’s energy drink, Prime. Why? Well, there are concerns that it’s potentially unsafe for kids, with one...

Americká FDA schválila první rychlotest na COVID-19 pro domácí použití

Americký Úřad pro kontrolu potravin a léčiv (Food and Drug Administration; FDA) schválil první test na COVID-19 určený pro domácí použití. Testovací souprava Lucira COVID-19 All-In-One Test Kit poskytuje rychlé výsledky, které uživatel odečte z indikačních LED. Test je také schválen pro použití v

The White House Just Blamed Bitcoin for America’s Opiate Crisis

The opioid epidemic is the new devil Bitcoin is being blamed for inflaming, to be added to the already long list of heinous crimes crypto is supposedly responsible for, like terrorism, money laundering, and trafficking. While it’s painfully clear that the U.S. dollar is a much more common...

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