Bitcoin Technical Analysis: Analyzing the Push and Pull of BTC’s Market Forces
Bitcoin’s current price steadies at $42,750 to $42,964 and an intraday range between $41,820 and $43,192. Despite the fluctuations, the market capitalization holds strong at $841 billion, with a 24-hour trade volume of $25.32 billion. Oscillators sway gently in a neutral stance, while moving...
[článek] Podvodné weby zneužívající koronavirus, děravý Whisper a 20 let Dark webu
[10 minut čtení] Fake video od Donalda Trumpa, konec MSQRD, WWDC 2020 bude online, Austrálie žaluje Facebook. Co ještě přinesl právě končící #tyden? Twitter poprvé v historii označil video jako „zmanipulované“. Šlo o příspěvek, který retwetnul Donald Trump, fake video Joea Bidena, které na Twitter...
Inside the Standards Race for Implementing FATF’s Travel Rule
Crypto businesses are figuring out how to comply with the Financial Action Task Force’s “Travel Rule.” And putting technical solutions in place is proving to be just as tricky as the legal and operational issues involved