Kiss Is Retiring (Again) But This Time They’re Being Replaced With Metaverse Avatars
On December 2, rock legends Kiss played a final live show as part of their farewell tour. But before they called it a day, the make-up-wearing rockers made one final, vague announcement: They said they would live on forever as digital avatars…somewhere. Probably. Read more
Florida Gov. DeSantis Suspends Official, Smiles Behind 'This Is Fine' Meme
Florida Governor, Disney hater, and high-heeled shoe fan Ron DeSantis announced the immediate suspension of a democratically elected state attorney on August 9 with the help of an online meme. The resulting scene is sad, confusing, and yet another example of how the terminally online politician...
Biden Administration Accused of Propaganda and ‘Redefining’ a Recession’s Technical Definition
After people have accused bureaucrats and government agencies of changing definitions during the last few years, Joe Biden’s administration now claims that a second consecutive quarter of negative gross domestic product (GDP) does not indicate the U.S. is in a recession. This is despite...
Bestiální Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. Na cenu nehleďte, tohle má grády!
Judge Rules Snowden Must Give Book Proceeds to US Government
A U.S. district judge has ruled that former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden must turn over the proceeds of his new book to the U.S. government. According to the ruling, Snowden failed to obtain clearance for the materials and information used in his book. The same judge previously ruled...
Grady Booch: Nebojte se superinteligentní AI
Nová technologie plodí nové obavy, říká vědec a filozof Grady Blooch, ale my se nemusíme obávat všemocné, bezcitné AI. Brooch spojuje naše nejhorší (sci-fi vyvolané) obavy o superinteligentních počítačích vysvětlení, jak je učíme sdílet naše hodnoty, nikoli programujeme. Spíše než se obávat...