Nalezeno "alexander graham bell": 2
Alexander Graham Bell: Patent podal o pár hodin dřív, spory se táhly 100 let
Bez průmyslníka a vynálezce Alexandera Grahama Bella bychom dnes možná byli technologicky o několik desítek roků zpět. 2. srpna uplyne přesně sto let od smrti muže, který vdechl život třeba gramofonu
A Year Later, I Still Can't Stop Thinking About Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium is a game about three bullets. The first was fired over 40 years ago, and ignited the revolution that brought Revachol to the edge of something new. It has since been lost, but its many kin define the pox-scarred skin of this city. The second was shot through the throat of a security...