
Nalezeno "alibaba": 171

We May Have Gotten Our First Glimpse Of Switch 2 Joy-Con This Week

This week, a low-quality video may have given us our first look at the Joy-Con that will be used by the successor to the Nintendo Switch. Also, Sony celebrated the 30th anniversary of PlayStation by putting the original console’s boot-up sound on PS5, along with customization options that...

Apparent Switch 2 Accessories Are Already Appearing In The Wild

With no official announcement yet in sight, hints at the upcoming Switch 2 continue to leak. The latest apparent indicators of Nintendo’s approaching console announcement are accessories that have appeared on the Chinese commerce site Alibaba, and point to a similar design and device dimensions...

Alibaba’s Metaverse Unit Layoffs Dozens as Interest Wanes

Alibaba has laid off employees at its metaverse unit, Yuanjing, reflecting a broader industry trend of waning interest in metaverse projects by large Chinese corporations. Despite Layoffs, Alibaba Remains Committed to the Metaverse Chinese tech giant Alibaba has reportedly laid off dozens...

Aptos Foundation to collaborate with Alibaba Cloud

Aptos Foundation is initiating a collaboration with Alibaba Cloud, which is an integral part of Alibaba Group. Alibaba Cloud is the digital technology and intelligence division. The association will bring about the power of connectivity with Web3 in the Asia-Pacific region. The Aptos Foundation...

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