Rad New Game Is Basically Zelda Mixed With Mario Maker
I don’t think I’m alone in wanting a Mario Maker-like game focused on another Nintendo property, specifically The Legend of Zelda. Sadly, a theoretical “Zelda Maker” is probably never going to happen. But a newly announced game, Quest Master, seems to be the next best thing by letting you and your...
Sorry, But Hollywood Is Making A Duke Nukem Movie
I hate to ruin your Friday right as the weekend is starting, but I bring some troubling news from the land of Hollyweird. It seems the creative folks behind Cobra Kai, the Karate Kid revival, have decided they want to make a movie, a full-length film, based on the once-popular ‘90s first-person...
Turbo Overkill bude kyberpunková retrořežba s motorovými pilami
Čerstvě oznámená střílečka Turbo Overkill bude návratem do devadesátek se vším všudy. V roli kyberneticky vylepšeného žoldáka budeme bojovat proti zdivočelé umělé inteligenci
Legendární Apogee se vrací. Chystají novinky i remastery klasik
Společnost Apogee nesmrtelně spjatá s érou sharewarové distribuce oznámila návrat na scénu. Sázet bude na osvědčené značky i úplné novinky