You Could Be Paying The Same Prices As Your Neighbor For Slower Internet
It’s not just your imagination: Depending on where you live in America, major internet providers could be charging you the same price as your neighbors for fewer megabits per second. The discrepancy in service is reportedly the most severe in low-income and less white neighborhoods.Read more
Overwatch 2's Phone Requirement: 'It's Like Being Punished For Being Poor'
“It feels like being punished for being poor,” Overwatch player Richard Meunster told Kotaku over email. Along with 19 million other people, Richard and his brother both use Cricket Wireless, one of the prepaid phone services that Overwatch 2 will not accept for its newly instated, mandatory...
Google Kills Stadia, Its Cloud Gaming Service, Refunding Everyone
Google is shutting down its video game streaming service, Stadia, on January 18th, 2023, the company announced today. All purchases will be refunded and the technology will still be used for YouTube and other parts of its business, but the consumer-facing app and storefront will be shuttered...