Australia’s revamped data program to ‘catch out’ crypto tax cheats
The Australian Tax Office is collecting over a decade of crypto transaction data, and tax dodgers could be busted if they don’t properly file this tax season
Australian Tax Office seeks data from 1.2 million crypto exchange users: Report
The personal and crypto-transaction related details could help identify users who failed to report their tax obligations, according to the Australian Tax Office
DeFi Users Seek Clarity as Australia’s Tax Office Fails to Explain New Capital Gains Tax Rules
The ATO’s opaque DeFi tax guidance perplexes Australian crypto investors. Image by Vadym, Adobe Stock. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) released new guidance on November 9, stating that capital gains tax (CGT) applies to certain decentralized finance (DeFi) transactions. The tax agency...
Australia’s tax agency won’t clarify its confusing, ‘aggressive’ crypto rules
The Australian Tax Office’s new rules on DeFi are unclear on whether capital gains taxes apply to liquid staking and transferring to layer 2 bridges
Australian Taxation Office to Focus on Capital Gains From Crypto Assets
The Australian tax agency has listed crypto-related profits among several priority areas where more efforts are needed to ensure correct reporting. The authority has reminded taxpayers they need to calculate any capital gain or loss from the sale of digital coins and tokens and record it in their...
Crypto capital gains one of four key areas for Australian Tax Office
“Remember, you can’t offset your crypto losses against your salary and wages,” said ATO assistant commissioner Tim Loh
Australian Tax Office says it can't rely on crypto users' own records
“Our main concern is that many taxpayers believe their cryptocurrency gains are tax-free or only taxable when the holdings are cashed back into Australian dollars,” said the ATO commissioner
Binance Australia partners with Koinly for tax reports as ATO ramps up compliance
The taxman commeth for Australian crypto investors and Binance wants to help them out
Australian Tax Office to Prompt 400,000 Crypto Holders to Report Their Gains
Australia’s revenue service has reminded a growing number of crypto investors about their tax obligations. Rejecting the common misconception that crypto gains are only taxable when coins are cashed back into dollars, the tax office is going to prompt hundreds of thousands of taxpayers...
Aussie Exchanges Partner With Crypto Tax Firm as ATO Eyes Traders
Popular Australian crypto exchanges Coinjar, Cointree and Swyftx have partnered with Koinly to track their clients’ tax obligations
Tax Office to Contact 350,000 Australians and Remind Them to Report All Crypto Profits
Australian tax agents have set out to close a gap they say costs the state several billion dollars. Taxpayers who file various work-related claims and investment property deductions or declare income from sharing economy platforms such as Uber and Airbnb may be asked for explanations and receipts....
[článek] Vlastní DVB-T2 přijímač desetina nebo pětina domácností? ATO vysvětluje rozdílné údaje
[5 minut čtení] Podle kontinuálního výzkumu Asociace televizních organizací přijímá DVB-T2 vysílání sedm procent domácností. Podle průzkumu Českých Radiokomunikací ale podíl domácností vybavených DVB-T2 přijímačem dosahuje 22 procent. Asociace televizních organizací zveřejnila výsledky...
[aktualita] Kolik domácností přijímá DVB-T2 vysílání? Odhady ATO a ČRA se liší o patnáct procent...
Dnes zveřejněné údaje z kontinuálního výzkumu, který v rámci měření sledovanosti realizuje pro Asociaci televizních organizací výzkumná agentura Nielsen Admosphere, o penetraci DVB-T2 přijímačů v tuzemské populaci se poměrně zásadně rozcházejí s údaji, které minulý týden zveřejnily České...
[aktualita] ATO zveřejnilo výsledky měření internetové sledovanosti, každý Čech vykáže měsíčně více než hodinu
Z naměřené internetové sledovanosti videoobsahu za letošní únor 2018 připadá 78 procent na počítače, devět procent na mobilní telefony, sedm procent na televizory (z většiny pomocí platformy HbbTV) a pouze pět procent na tablety. Autor: ATO/Nielsen Admosphere Rozpočteno na všechny obyvatele...