
Nalezeno "backdrop-filter": 4

Icon Glassmorphism Effect in CSS

I recently came across a cool effect known as glassmorphism in a Dribble shot. My first thought was I could quickly recreate it in a few minutes if I just use some emojis for the icons without wasting time … The post Icon Glassmorphism Effect in CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Backdrop Filter effect with CSS

I love these little posts where some tricky-looking design is solved by a single line of CSS using a little-known property. In this case, the design is a frosted glass effect and the CSS property is backdrop-filter. The approach? Easy peasy: .container { backdrop-filter: blur(10px); } The...

A Glassy (and Classy) Text Effect

The landing page for Apple Arcade has a cool effect where some "white" text has a sort of translucent effect. You can see some of the color of the background behind it through the text. It's not like knockout text where you see the exact background. In this case, live video is playing underneath....

The backdrop-filter CSS property

I had never heard of the backdrop-filter property until yesterday, but after a couple of hours messing around with it I’m positive that it’s nothing more than magic. This is because it adds filters (like changing the hue, contrast or blur) of the background of an element without changing the text...

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