
Nalezeno "blockchain projects": 86

56% of Fortune 500 Firms Pursue Crypto and Blockchain Projects, Says Coinbase

A Coinbase report reveals that cryptocurrency and blockchain initiatives among Fortune 100 companies rose by 39% year-over-year, reaching a record high in Q1 2024. In addition, 56% of Fortune 500 companies are working on onchain projects. The report emphasizes the need for clear crypto regulations...

Puerto Rico Defines Act 60 Tax Exemptions for Blockchain Companies

The Economic and Commerce Development Department of Puerto Rico (DDEC) has issued a document in which it defines the rules that blockchain projects must follow to receive tax benefits that the state offers companies. The action seeks to create an “atmosphere of certainty and stability”...

Web3 Company Animoca Brands Lowers Fundraising Goal to $1 Billion in Q1 2023

Animoca Brands, a Web3 gaming-focused company, has announced it is now targeting a raise of $1 billion for a fund directed to inject help for already established blockchain projects. The number is significantly lower than the $2 billion the company announced back in November as an upper limit...

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