
Nalezeno "branches": 57

Is JTC More Than Just Another Bitcoin Fork?

$JTC is part of the family of Bitcoin forks, but its legal recourse features make it stand out from the crowd. Is JTC More Than Just A Bitcoin Fork? Successive branches of Bitcoin have emerged that all claim to improve Satohsi’s original vision in one way or another. Generally, these branches...

The Algorand Foundation Branches Out to India

Blockchain protocol Algorand (ALGO) has entered the world’s most populous country, India, with a project that aims to support the nation’s transformation from the back office of the Web2 world to the innovation hub of the Web3 world

Report: Silicon Valley Bank Under FDIC Auction as Calls for Bailout Grow

The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) began an auction process for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) late Saturday night, according to reports. Final bids are due by Sunday afternoon. Unnamed sources indicate that the FDIC is seeking to close the deal promptly after California regulators...

Why Games Give Some People Motion Sickness And What You Can Do About It

Around 30 seconds into playing Doom Eternal, I’m feeling dizzy, my eyes are getting heavy, and my stomach is in knots. I can’t savor the sight of any pink guts spilling across my screen or the clamoring heavy metal soundtrack because I already want to puke. But I knew this was coming. I, like many...

14 Games Like Wordle That Will Keep The Serotonin Flowing

Wordle has brought us a lot of wonderfle things, not least a surge of freely available, one-a-day puzzles to enjoy, without the faff of having to install apps or register accounts. Played in a browser, whether on your phone or laptop, Wordle and the many, many games it’s inspired have become a part...

Hurdle Gives Wordle Addicts Five Times The Hit

Wordle produces more variants than the most prolific of viruses, with new ones finding their way to wider popularity every day. The one I’ve most recently caught is Hurdle, where you have to complete five of the five-letter word puzzles in a row.Read more

Rebase vs. Merge: Integrating Changes in Git

This article is part of our “Advanced Git” series. Be sure to follow us on Twitter or sign up for our newsletter to hear about the next articles! Most developers understand that it’s important to use branches in Git. In … The post Rebase vs. Merge: Integrating Changes in Git appeared...

The Moment That Sold Me On Back 4 Blood, The New Shooter By L4D Devs

Confession time: I’ve never played Left 4 Dead. I’m obviously aware of what Valve’s iconic shooter is all about—team up with friends and shoot zombies—and that a ton of players sucked it up like zombies feasting on cerebral miasma. Still, despite the game’s ubiquity, I just...never got around...

Branching Strategies in Git

In this article I'm going to talk about branching strategies and different types of Git branches. I’m also going to introduce you to two common branching workflows: Git Flow and GitHub Flow. The post Branching Strategies in Git appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being...

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