Limited Edition Spider-Man 2 Wheaties Selling For $70
Spider-Man 2 has seen its fair share of unusual, occasionally absurd marketing tactics deployed to get players hyped for the PlayStation 5 exclusive’s release on October 20. By far the most hilarious bit of marketing was PlayStation UK’s infamous tweet beckoning fans to buy Spider-Man 2’s expensive...
Management Sim Bear And Breakfast Isn't Animal Crossing, So Don't Expect That
Bear And Breakfast is a hotel management sim that plays like Animal Crossing. You gather resources every day, complete delivery errands, and build your Airbnb empire–all while playing as an adorable bear. The problem is that Bear and Breakfast lacks the relentless optimism of business sims while...
Bear and Breakfast vyjde za měsíc, budeme provozovat hostinec v lese
Staking will eat blockchain for breakfast — Here’s why
The market for staking has accelerated rapidly recently, and a shift to PoS will ensure that the blockchain ecosystem is more resilient
Where to even begin with the ongoing Cinnamon Toast Crunch Shrimp Tail Saga of 2021?
You always find love where you least expect it. The same goes for shrimp tails. At least, that’s the case for Jensen Karp, a TV writer who took to Twitter this week to complain that he found shrimp tails, as well as what appeared to be rat droppings and dental floss, in his box of Cinnamon Toast...
With Spicy Ramen Breakfast Grilled Cheese, you truly can have it all
I will not bother to pretend that the inspiration for this sandwich came from anything other than marijuana. Ironically, this idea came to me on a night where, in an attempt to conquer my chronic insomnia, I went a little crazy with Cherry Pie (both the strain and actual pie). Instead of falling...
Let us praise the humble glory of Swedish egg coffee
The aisles of the Minnesota State Fair are host to a teeming game of lard-coated one-upmanship. On the left, hot dogs wrapped in funnel cake batter. Across the way, baked potatoes cocooned in mozzarella cheese, served on a stick. But it wasn’t always this way.Read more
In Defense of a Fussy Website
The other day, I was doom-scrolling Twitter and saw a delightful article titled “The Case for Fussy Breakfasts.” I love food — especially breakfast — and since the pandemic hit I’ve been using my breaks in between meetings (or, shh, sometimes in meetings) to make a full bacon, poached...
Application Holotypes
It's entirely too common to make broad-sweeping statements about all websites. Jason Miller:
We often make generalizations about applications we see in the wild, both anecdotal and statistical: "Single-Page Applications are slower than multipage" or "apps with low TTI loaded fast". However,...
[článek] Marketing Breakfast: jsou dnes značky zajatci digitálu?
[2 minuty čtení] Legenda české reklamy Josef Havelka a jeho hosté v diskusi na téma značky a jejich význam v dnešní době. Druhá snídaně s marketingovým guru Josefem Havelkou a jeho hosty na téma značky a jejích role nás čeká už ve středu 25. dubna opět v coworkingovém centru WorkLounge. I vy...