
Nalezeno "buffy": 11

Nebýt seriálu o Buffy, jsem bezdomovec, přiznala hvězda The Last of Us

Osmačtyřicetiletý herec Pedro Pascal dnes díky seriálům jako The Last of Us, Mandalorian nebo Narcos patří mezi hollywoodskou smetánku, nechybělo však mnoho a jeho život se mohl ubírat úplně jiným směrem. Poté, co si převzal hlavní ceru za herecký výkon od organizace SAG, totiž přiznal,...

Maybe Don’t Bring Astarion On His Personal Quest In Baldur’s Gate 3

Years of playing RPGs have conditioned us to think we should always bring party members on their personal quests because they obviously have a vested interest in seeing how things unfold. Baldur’s Gate 3 is no exception, and each of its complex, inexplicably horny party members has lengthy personal...

Lollipop Chainsaw Re-review: Grindhouse For The Girls

Dragami Games announced this month that its Lollipop Chainsaw remake release was getting delayed to 2024. Never having played hack-and-slash Lollipop before, but eagerly awaiting the remake, I decided to cope rationally: I spent $40 on a game made 11 years ago, and hauled my friends’ grimy Xbox...

Lollipop Chainsaw Re-review: Grindhouse For The Girls

Dragami Games announced this month that its Lollipop Chainsaw remake release was getting delayed to 2024. Never having played hack-and-slash Lollipop before, but eagerly awaiting the remake, I decided to cope rationally: I spent $40 on a game made 11 years ago, and hauled my friends’ grimy Xbox...

Steam Breakout V Rising Is A Stellar Survival RPG

I have complicated feelings about the modern vampire story. Violence is cheap. Tasty humans are plentiful. And skyscrapers provide ample shelter from the sun. The sanctity of human life doesn’t mean much to creatures that will kill people over a simple meal. It can feel powerful to be so...

Safety On

Buffy Wang is an artist from China.Read more

The Rise and Fall of Joss Whedon, and the Myth of the Hollywood Feminist Hero

“I hate ‘feminist.’ Is this a good time to bring that up?” Joss Whedon asked. He paused knowingly, waiting for the laughs he knew would come at the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer making such a statement. It was 2013, and Whedon was onstage at a fundraiser for Equality Now, an organization...

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