Top Smash Ultimate Player Throws Controller At Tournament, Sparks 'Privilege' Discourse
Genesis 9, a major fighting game tournament, took place over the weekend. There were stellar combos and massive upsets as the supermajor event for Super Smash Bros. Melee and Ultimate concluded on January 22. Unfortunately, while the tournament was underway, one of Canada’s top Kazuya players...
I Was Wrong, Sora In Smash Bros. Is Kinda Cool To Play
Sora joined Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on October 18, becoming the 89th (and, at long last, final) playable character on the roster, and wrapping up a two-year process of expanding the game’s pool of fighters. Though in a sense he is just another sword-wielding anime boy, I think I actually stand...
Kůže, chrom a exkluzivní pneu. Elektrokola Harley-Davidson jdou cestou vyšperkovaných speciálů
Původně to mělo být jen designové cvičení, ale nakonec se Harley-Davidson rozhodl nabídnout Serial 1 Mosh/Tribute jako limitovanou edici. Odkazuje na Serial Number One, což je označení pro nejstarší známý motocykl Harley-Davidson z roku 1903.
alternativní nadpisy:
Harley-Davidson jde cestou
Problém s vodou: Rezavějící trubky mohou uvolňovat karcinogenní chrom
Problém s vodou: Rezavějící trubky mohou uvolňovat karcinogenní chrom