
Nalezeno "citizen sleeper": 3

Citizen Sleeper 2 Ups The Ante With A Bigger And More Dangerous World

As an avid fan of 2022’s Citizen Sleeper and its subsequent DLCs, I consider myself an expert on the narrative-heavy RPG. So when I booted up my first playthrough of the Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector preview build provided by developer Jump Over The Age, I was sure I would make all the right...

You Really Should Play This Underrated And Unconventional RPG On Game Pass

Just in time for its second anniversary, indie RPG Citizen Sleeper is getting a tabletop RPG (TTRPG) actual play set in the game’s universe. A collaboration between developer Jump Over The Age and games journalist Quintin Smith (of People Make Games), the actual play will air on May 7. It’s...

The Cyberpunk Genre Is Broken, And The Creator Of Citizen Sleeper Agrees

Cyberpunk. When you think of the word, you likely conjure up images of a futuristic cityscape awash in neon lights, amalgams of Western-Japanese architecture, and a cybernetic hero equipped with a samurai sword—or a “AAA” game still trying to get its bearings. But what often gets lost in the glitz...

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