
Nalezeno "decoration": 8

When to Avoid the text-decoration Shorthand Property

In my recent article about CSS underline bugs in Chrome, I discussed text-decoration-thickness and text-underline-offset, two relatively new and widely-supported CSS properties that give us more control over the styling of underlines. Let me demonstrate the usefulness of … When to Avoid...

The CSS from-font Value Explained in 4 Demos

I was doing my Advent of UI Components, and I stumbled upon the from-font value for the text-decoration-thickness CSS property. I was curious about it, so I did a little research and I think what I found (and learned) … The CSS from-font Value Explained in 4 Demos originally published...

CSS Underlines Are Too Thin and Too Low in Chrome

I’ve encountered two bugs in Chrome while testing the new CSS text-decoration-thickness and text-underline-offset properties, and I want to share them with you here in this article. But first, let’s acknowledge one thing: Default underlines are inconsistent Let’s add a … CSS Underlines...

Link Underlines That Animate Into Block Backgrounds

It's a cool little effect. The default link style has an underline (which is a good idea) and then on :hover you see the underline essentially thicken up turning into almost what it would have looked liked if you used a background-color on the link instead. Here's an example of the effect on...

Decorate Your Car Dashboard With Trim Kits You Can Buy With BCH

Cryptocurrencies are money and what better way to use them than spending a little on things that bring you satisfaction. You can now upgrade your car’s interior with trim parts you can buy with bitcoin cash. Cockpitdekor is a company that promotes the benefits of paying with crypto and...

Multi-Line Inline Gradient

Came across this thread: CSS superfriends! Have you seen examples of how to do multi-line padded text like this article on @css (, but with a gradient that doesn't reset for each line? — Dan Mall (@danmall) December 3, 2018 My first...

Ambient Canvas Backgrounds

Five ambient webpage backgrounds created using the HTML5 Canvas API and jwagner's Simplex Noise library. Ambient Canvas Backgrounds was written by Sean Free and published on Codrops

Decorating lines of text with box-decoration-break

An institution’s motto, an artist’s intro, a company’s tagline, a community’s principle, a service’s greeting… all of them have one thing in common: they’re one brief paragraph displayed on a website’s home page — or at least the about page! It’s rare that just one word or one line of text...

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