
Nalezeno "dialog": 6

Dialog Components: Go Native HTML or Roll Your Own?

As the author of a library called AgnosticUI, I’m always on the lookout for new components. And recently, I decided to dig in and start work on a new dialog (aka modal) component. That’s something many devs like to … Dialog Components: Go Native HTML or Roll Your Own? originally published...

Replace JavaScript Dialogs With the New HTML Dialog Element

You know how there are JavaScript dialogs for alerting, confirming, and prompting user actions? Say you want to replace JavaScript dialogs with the new HTML dialog element. Let me explain. I recently worked on a project with a lot of … Replace JavaScript Dialogs With the New HTML Dialog...

How to Implement and Style the Dialog Element

A look from Christian Kozalla on the <dialog> HTML element and using it to create a nice-looking and accessible modal. CodePen Embed Fallback I’m attracted to the <dialog> element as it’s one of those “you get a lot for free” … The post How...

How to Implement and Style the Dialog Element

Go in-depth on the native dialog HTML element with this tutorial and learn how to implement a user-friendly, accessible dialog on your website. The post How to Implement and Style the Dialog Element appeared first on Codrops

Choice Words about the Upcoming Deprecation of JavaScript Dialogs

It might be the very first thing a lot of people learn in JavaScript: alert("Hello, World"); One day at CodePen, we woke up to a ton of customer support tickets about their Pens being broken, which ultimately boiled down to … The post Choice Words about the Upcoming Deprecation of JavaScript...

Some Hands-On with the HTML Dialog Element

This is me looking at the HTML <dialog> element for the first time. I've been aware of it for a while, but haven't taken it for a spin yet. It has some pretty cool and compelling features. I can't decide for you if you should use it in production on your sites, but I'd think it's starting...

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