
Nalezeno "difficulty rise": 10

Bitcoin Hashrate Inches Closer to Record as Difficulty Rise Looms

Bitcoin’s hashrate has been climbing steadily, closing in on its peak of 693 exahash per second (EH/s) recorded on Sept. 8. At present, it’s cruising just shy of that record, clocking in at 680 EH/s. Block times have been quicker than the typical ten-minute average, and as we approach Oct. 9,...

Bitcoin’s Mining Difficulty Hits Record High With Sixth Consecutive Rise

On November 25, 2023, the Bitcoin network marked its sixth consecutive difficulty rise, reaching a new peak at block 818,496. The difficulty soared by 5.07%, setting a record high of 67.96 trillion, a level that will persist until the next adjustment on December 9, 2023. Bitcoin’s Difficulty...

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