Recenze hry Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. Chytlavá plošinovka i ve své třetí iteraci
Na to, jak je tenhle opičák populární, mu Nintendo v generaci Switche nevěnovalo moc prostoru. Proto je dobrou zprávou i taková věc, jako třetí verze stejné hry. Skvělá skákačka je to i tentokrát, ale Donkey Kong by si určitě zasloužil víc
How To Farm Banana Coins In Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (And Other Helpful Tips)
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is the second re-release of the original Wii version of this classic platformer. Prettier graphics aside, basically everything fans love (or hate) about this Kong outing remains intact to enjoy all over again—or for the first time. If you’re new to the game, we’ve...
How Long Is Donkey Kong Country Returns HD?
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD marks the second time the popular Wii game has been ported to another Nintendo console. But it’s the first time it’s been given the full high-definition treatment. The game certainly looks better than ever, though it’s worth noting there are no meaningful changes...
RECENZE: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD potrápí, ale hraje se skvěle
Oprášená a poměrně náročná hopsačka s opičákem Donkey Kongem z éry konzole Wii přichází s ostřejší grafikou, lepší přístupností a bonusovými úrovněmi. Bude to dnes stačit? Ano, hraje se skvěle i po letech
The State Of The Nintendo Switch In 2024
The Switch is running on fumes. It might not be gong out with a whimper, but the needle is past empty. The 2024 release calendar was spotty at best, and even some of the more notable games that did come to the handheld hybrid, of which there were strikingly few, struggled to run on the nearly...