
Nalezeno "employer": 16

Missouri Man Arrested for Extorting Former Employer With Bitcoin Ransom

A Missouri man, Daniel Rhyne, was arrested for attempting to extort his former employer, a New Jersey-based industrial company. Rhyne, a former core infrastructure engineer for the company, allegedly sent an extortion email on Nov. 25, 2023, claiming to have locked out or deleted the company’s...

Former Finance VP Pleads Guilty to Embezzling $4 Million From Crypto Firm

Dylan Meissner, 31, of Westport, has pleaded guilty to fraud in Hartford federal court, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced. Meissner, a former Vice President of Finance at a cryptocurrency research firm, admitted to stealing over $4 million from his employer. Starting in January 2022...

Now is the Time to Get Your Business Protected from Cyberthreats (Sponsored)

Malware has been a problem for decades, one that was exacerbated by the the rise of the internet, file sharing, and digital assets. Whether it’s keyloggers or other types of malware, they’ll make your computer slow and insecure, all without you knowing. And if you’re an employer...

Peníze, nebo benefity: Co motivuje zaměstnance v e-commerce?

Průměrná mzda zaměstnance v e-commerce se loni zastavila těsně pod hranicí 50 tisíc korun. I když jde na české poměry o nadprůměrný výdělek, kvalitní lidé firmám často schází. Zajímá vás, jak upoutat zájem klíčových lidí a jak je motivovat? Nejen těmto otázkám se budou věnovat personalisté v rámci...

Interviewing for a Technical Position Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

Jacob Schatz (@jakecodes) is a staff engineer over at GitLab and was kind enough to share how he conducts job interviews for technical positions and his thinking process for them. Technical interviews are talked about often and can be a touchy subject for some, so it’s worth noting that this...

OpenRates Currency API (Sponsored)

Creating your own APIs can be a total nightmare: worrying about uptime, load balancing, data accuracy, caching, and all of the other risks would keep me up at night.  And if your API relates to money in any way?  If you get that wrong you could be costing yourself, your employer, or your client...

Exchange Rates and Currency Conversion with (Sponsored)

My most stressful tasks as a coder have always revolved around money.  Whether you’re coding a site for a client, your own business, or your employer, you want to be damn sure that any handling of currency is accurate, secure, and localized.  We always want our code to work but when...

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