Pod Diablem se houpe trůn, o slovo se hlásí Titan Quest i Path of Exile
Fanoušky akčních RPG čekají bohaté žně. Kromě prvního přídavku k Diablu 4 se brzy dočkají i druhých dílů značek Path of Exile a Titan Quest. Oba vypadají skvěle
VIDEO: Nesmí nikdy minout. Path of Exile 2 představuje postavu Rangera
Život v lese je tvrdý, zvířata vám mohou jít po krku, strach ovšem nahání až krutost člověka. Očekávané akční RPG Path of Exile 2 představuje v nejnovějším videu jedno z dvanácti hratelných povolání, Rangera. Tvůrci zároveň oznámili, že beta, původně plánovaná na 7. června, se odkládá až na konec...
Baki Hanma Has The Most Exciting, Ridiculous Battles In Anime
Recently, my friends and I have become born-again sports anime fans thanks to the pay-per-view feel of classic boxing-themed shows like Tomorrow’s Joe and Hajime No Ippo. While these shows maintain a sense of realism that doesn’t require me to suspend my disbelief too often, Netflix’s new season...
10 Engrossing Action-RPG Games To Play Like Diablo IV
You’re in one of a number of pickles. You’ve somehow already hit level 100 in Diablo IV; you’re waiting for it to drop in price; or just not convinced that enough has changed to make it worth buying after Diablo III. Whatever you reason for needing more loot, we’ve got you covered, with...
Diablo Immortal Player Says He Can’t Get A Match After Spending $100,000
Diablo Immortal’s pay-to-win mechanics have been controversial since the game launched back in June. Now they’ve also apparently broken the game for at least one YouTuber who reportedly spent over $100,000 on beefing up his Barbarian character. The player’s win rate is seemingly so good the game...
EXILE’s Daniel Eilemberg talks reimagining IP when building a multimedia franchise
Could blockchain technology and NFT collections have what it takes to go up against the established media forces, like Hollywood?
Autoři diablovky Path Of Exile představili datadisk Scourge
Venezuelan Programmer Who Created the Petro Token Regrets Participating in the Project — Works on an Alternative Token
Venezuela’s government-backed cryptocurrency is not having the acceptance its cabinet expected, as the latest reports suggest. The petro’s creator, who now lives in exile, wants to build another crypto that gets the adoption its original creation did not in the nation. Jiménez...
Internetový troll pobouřil vydavatele hry, vydával se za hendikepovaného
Vývojáři populární hry Path of Exile se ocitli pod palbou internetového davu za to, že potrestali hráče, který kompenzoval svoji chybějící končetinu jednoduchým klávesnicovým makrem. Nakonec se však ukázalo, že šlo od začátku jen o bohapustý výmysl
Path Of Exile Let Streamers Bypass Long Server Wait Times
During the launch of its new expansion Ultimatum, Path of Exile’s servers were having some problems over the weekend, leaving players with wait times to get in that sometimes stretched into hours. Unless, that is, you were a streamer paid to broadcast the game, in which case you got straight...
Troll Makes Up Path Of Exile Ban Over Accessibility, Is Jerk
This week, a supposed player claimed to have been banned from action RPG Path of Exile for using a macro to make the game accessible. Other players and accessibility activists took up their cause. Now, it appears the whole thing was a troll. In my professional journalistic opinion: what...
Druhý trailer z diablovky Path of Exile 2 vypadá parádně
Diablovku Path of Exile hrál rekordní počet hráčů
Path of Exile 2 letos nevyjde. Kvůli covidu
Pokračování oblíbené diablovky Path of Exile mělo být jedním z hlavních taháků letošního roku. Vývojáři ale už teď vědí, že i kvůli neustupující pandemii koronaviru stihnou hru dokončit nejdříve v příštím roce
Crypto YouTubers Return from Self-Exile as YouTube Admits Mistake
After YouTube's attack on crypto-related videos that lasted for several days, forcing quite a few creators into hiding for self-preservation, now the Google-owned giant says it wasn't intentional, followed by the YouTubers' return from exile.
YouTube has finally provided a response to the situation...
After Fleeing From the US Government John McAfee Warns His Enemies
For a few weeks now, the former antivirus software tycoon John McAfee has said he is fleeing from the U.S. government for not paying his taxes. More recently McAfee’s been on a tweet tirade, speaking directly to his “pursuers” and telling them to leave him alone. Also Read:...