
Nalezeno "font": 38

15 Best Number Fonts for Displaying Numbers

Website typography has multiple different aspects; displaying numbers on the screen is among the most important ones. There are many use cases when you might want to focus on... The post 15 Best Number Fonts for Displaying Numbers appeared first on Onextrapixel

Customizing Color Fonts on the Web

Myles C. Maxfield on the WebKit Blog published a nifty how-to for color fonts. It comes on the heels of what Ollie wrote up here on CSS-Tricks the other day, and while they cover a lot of common … Customizing Color Fonts on the Web originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get...

COLRv1 and CSS font-palette: Web Typography Gets Colorful

According to Toshi Omagari, the author of Arcade Game Typography, the world’s first multi-colored digital font was created in 1982 for a never-released video game called Insector. Multi-colored fonts, sometimes called chromatic type, are still relatively rare on the … COLRv1 and...

Subsetting Font Awesome to Improve Performance

Font Awesome is an incredibly popular icon library. Unfortunately, it’s somewhat easy to use in a way that results in less-than-ideal performance. By subsetting Font Awesome, we can remove any unused glyphs from the font files it provides. This will … Subsetting Font Awesome to Improve...

Your CSS reset needs text-size-adjust (probably)

Kilian Valkhof: […] Mobile Safari increases the default font-size when you switch a website from portrait to landscape. On phones that is, it doesn’t do it on iPad. Safari has been doing this for a long time, as a … Your CSS reset needs text-size-adjust (probably) originally...

Case Study: A Unique Website for Basement Grotesque

A look behind the scenes of the website built for Basement Grotesque, the open-source typeface of The post Case Study: A Unique Website for Basement Grotesque appeared first on Codrops

Firefox’s `bolder` Default is a Problem for Variable Fonts

Variable fonts make it easy to create a large set of font styles from a single font file. Unfortunately, the default rendering of the <b> and <strong> elements in browsers today is not very compatible with the wide range of … The post Firefox’s `bolder` Default is a Problem...

The Dilemma of Naming Font Size Variables

Normally, a project will have a set of pre-determined font sizes, usually as variables named in such a way that seeks some semblance of order and consistency. Any project of considerable size can use something like that. There are always … The post The Dilemma of Naming Font Size Variables...

Links on Typography

These are a few great links about typography that have been burning a hole in my saved bookmarks folder that I'm just now getting around to sharing. There's good stuff in there, from how to choose typefaces for app design to ideas for how to fix the concept of font sizing in CSS. The post Links...

The Making (and Potential Benefits) of a CSS Font

Not a typical one, at least. Each character is an HTML element, built with CSS. A true web font! Let me elaborate. This is a way to render text without using any font at all. Random text is split with … The post The Making (and Potential Benefits) of a CSS Font appeared first...

Ensuring the correct vertical position of large text

Tobi Reif notes how the position of custom fonts set at very large font sizes can be super different, even in the same browser across operating systems. The solution? Well, you know how there are certain CSS properties that only … The post Ensuring the correct vertical position of large text...

A font-display setting for slow connections

Me, I really dislike FOUT. I like that it’s an option, because not displaying text quickly on the web is no good. I know font-display: swap; is popular because it’s good for performance, but that FOUT stuff pains me. Matt … The post A font-display setting for slow connections...

Web Performance Calendar

The Web Performance Calendar just started up again this year. The first two posts so far are about, well, performance! First up, Rick Viscomi writes about the mythical “fast” web page: How you approach measuring a web page’s performance can tell you whether it’s built for speed or whether it feels...

How to Load Fonts in a Way That Fights FOUT and Makes Lighthouse Happy

A web font workflow is simple, right? Choose a few nice-looking web-ready fonts, get the HTML or CSS code snippet, plop it in the project, and check if they display properly. People do this with Google Fonts a zillion times a day, dropping its <link> tag into the <head>. Let’s...

Linearly Scale font-size with CSS clamp() Based on the Viewport

Responsive typography has been tried in the past with a slew of methods such as media queries and CSS calc(). Here, we’re going to explore a different way to linearly scale text between a set of minimum and maximum sizes as the viewport’s width increases, with the intent of making its behavior...

Modifying Specific Letters with CSS and JavaScript

Changing specific characters can be a challenge in CSS. Often, we’re forced to implement our desired changes one-by-one in HTML, perhaps using the span element. But, in a few specific cases, a CSS-focused solution may still be possible. In this article, we’ll start by looking at some CSS-first...

font-weight: 300 considered harmful

Tomáš Janoušek: Many web pages these days set font-weight: 300 in their stylesheet. With DejaVu Sans as my preferred font, this results in very thin and light text that is hard to read, because for some reason the “DejaVu Sans ExtraLight” variant (weight 200) is being used...

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