
Nalezeno "galactic": 25

Maniac Takes The Best Part Of GTA And Makes It A Roguelike

When I was younger, my friends and I would play Grand Theft Auto III differently than how the developers intended. Instead of completing missions and side activities, we would use cheat codes to give ourselves all the guns, a good car, and then save the game in that state. We would then each take...

Nearly 30 Percent Of The Top 100 Steam Deck Games Aren’t Verified

Recently, Valve published a list of the top 100 most-played Steam Deck games over the last 12 months. Digging into this much data is fun, and the full list is both a snapshot of recent trends and a reminder that old favorites are some of the most popular options on Valve’s portable PC. Read more

New Steam Hit Mixes Vampire Survivors With Mining And Guns

Vampire Survivors might not be the first auto-shoot-’em-up ever made, but it has certainly become the blueprint many clones and imitators have followed since its launch in 2021. One game in that mold, Deep Rock Galactic Survival, takes that basic formula and does something different, adding mining...

Rebel Moon — Part One Is A Soulless Regurgitation Of Better Movies

From his critically maligned but fan-favorite Sucker Punch to his infamous internet darling “Snyder Cut” of 2017’s Justice League, Zack Snyder is no stranger to drumming up discourse whenever one of his films nears release. His latest effort for Netflix, Rebel Moon — Part One: A Child of Fire,...

Someone At The Pokémon Company Hates Regigigas, And It's Actually Hilarious

Regigigas, one of the many Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation IV, doesn’t need me to feel sorry for it. But the normal-type titan monster has been getting the short end of the stick thanks to its signature Ability Slow Start since it debuted in 2006, and I can’t help but pity the poor...

16+ Stellar Games To Play Before Starfield

Starfield, the highly anticipated science-fiction RPG from Bethesda is nearly upon us. While September 6 is not that far off, for sci-fi fans, and folks who appreciate a Bethesda romp, the it’s been a painful wait since the game’s first announcement back in 2018.Read more

Your Spring 2022 Anime Guide

Springtime is upon us once again, and much like the sprouting of cherry blossoms, new anime are cropping up all over the pace. Read more

Halo Infinite’s Grunts Are Funny AF

You may have heard that Halo Infinite is a terrific first-person shooter, a solid return-to-form for an old Xbox series. What you might not know is that Halo Infinite is also really freakin’ funny. And nowhere is that more true than in the one-liners fired off by grunts, the lowest-ranked cannon...

Halo Infinite: The Kotaku Review

How do you even consider Halo Infinite in totality? Not just any Halo game but this Halo game—one that was supposed to herald a new generation of Xboxes but was delayed out of the launch window; one that’s had no shortage of public scrutiny over its tumultuous development process; one that’s...

How Halo Infinite Calculates Your Kill-Death-Assist Ratios

If you played any of Halo Infinite’s recent not-a-betas, you probably saw a fairly high number in your postmortem kill-death-assist ratio (KDA). And if you, like me, are flummoxed by math like long division, you likely thought, Cool! ...So what’s it mean?Read more

I Can't Believe We're Still Debating Halo's Aim Assist

Like a circular space structure imbued with the power to destroy all sentient life at the push of a button, some things just go on endlessly. Such is the case with discussion around aim assist features in Halo games. Chatter has kicked off fresh following the not-a-beta for the forthcoming Halo...

Halo Infinite's New Radar Sucks

Over the weekend, 343 Industries ran a technical test for Halo Infinite, allowing the wider public a chance to go hands-on with one of the year’s anticipated shooters. By most measures, Infinite’s multiplayer component shows promise, somehow both capturing that Halo quintessence while also feeling...

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