The Cyberpunk Genre Is Broken, And The Creator Of Citizen Sleeper Agrees
Cyberpunk. When you think of the word, you likely conjure up images of a futuristic cityscape awash in neon lights, amalgams of Western-Japanese architecture, and a cybernetic hero equipped with a samurai sword—or a “AAA” game still trying to get its bearings. But what often gets lost in the glitz...
Netflix Cowboy Bebop's Existence Now Justified By New Yoko Kanno Music
On Tuesday, Netflix announced that Yoko Kanno, the musical genius behind Cowboy Bebop’s soundtrack, will be producing original tunes for the Netflix live-action adaptation of the hit anime series.Read more
Yasuke Is A Full-Circle Moment For Black Anime Fans
Watching the first episode of Yasuke, Netflix’s new fantastical animated show about the life of a Black samurai, I started to cry. I remembered how it felt to be a 16-year-old girl watching anime in the nighttime darkness of my living room. Watching Yasuke, with its titular Black character kicking...