From a Single Repo, to Multi-Repos, to Monorepo, to Multi-Monorepo
I’ve been working on the same project for several years. Its initial version was a huge monolithic app containing thousands of files. It was poorly architected and non-reusable, but was hosted in a single repo making it easy to work …
The post From a Single Repo, to Multi-Repos,...
Hackers Target Github Server Infrastructure to Mine Cryptocurrencies
Github services is under investigation after a series of reports on attacks against one of its infrastructures by running unauthorized crypto mining apps. Cybercriminals allegedly exploited some security flaws that could have been exploited to mine cryptos illicitly. Attacks Exploit ‘Github...
Continuous Performance Analysis with Lighthouse CI and GitHub Actions
Lighthouse is a free and open-source tool for assessing your website’s performance, accessibility, progressive web app metrics, SEO, and more. The easiest way to use it is through the Chrome DevTools panel. Once you open the DevTools, you will see a “Lighthouse” tab. Clicking the “Generate report”...
GitHub Actions are like free computers.
Well, there is pricing, but even free plans get 2,000 minutes a month. You write configuration files for what you want these computers to do. Those configuration files go into a repo, so typically they do things specific to that repo. I’m sure that...
How to Automate Project Versioning and Releases with Continuous Deployment
Having a semantically versioned software will help you easily maintain and communicate changes in your software. Doing this is not easy. Even after manually merging the PR, tagging the commit, and pushing the release, you still have to write release notes. There are a lot of different steps,...
Optimize Images with a GitHub Action
I was playing with GitHub Actions the other day. Such a nice tool! Short story: you can have it run code for you, like run your build processes, tests, and deployments. But it’s just configuration files that can run whatever you need. There is a whole marketplace of Actions wanting to do work...
A Community-Driven Site with Eleventy: Preparing for Contributions
I’ve recently found myself reaching for Eleventy (aka 11ty) above all other tools when I want to develop a website. It’s hard to beat a static site generator that provides advanced templating opportunities while otherwise getting out of your way and allowing you to just create.
How to Make a Simple CMS With Cloudflare, GitHub Actions and Metalsmith
Let’s build ourselves a CMS. But rather than build out a UI, we’re going to get that UI for free in the form of GitHub itself! We’ll be leveraging GitHub as the way to manage the content for our static site generator (it could be any static site generator). Here’s the gist of it: GitHub is going...
Continuous Deployments for WordPress Using GitHub Actions
Continuous Integration (CI) workflows are considered a best practice these days. As in, you work with your version control system (Git), and as you do, CI is doing work for you like running tests, sending notifications, and deploying code. That last part is called Continuous Deployment (CD)....
Collective #553
Text Rendering Hates You * Working with GitHub Actions * Design Tips * Frankenstein Migration
Collective #553 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Git Hooks
The merits of Git as a version control system are difficult to contest, but while Git will do a superb job in keeping track of the commits you and your teammates have made to a repository, it will not, in itself, guarantee the quality of those commits. Git will not stop you from committing code...
Automatically compress images on Pull Requests
Sarah introduced us to GitHub Actions right after it dropped about a year ago. Now they have improved the feature and are touting its CI/CD abilities. Run tests, do deployment, do whatever stuff computers do! It's essentially a YAML file that says run this, then this, then this, etc., with...