Alex Jones Game Packs So Much Stupid Into 48 Minutes
So, the first thing is, there’s an Alex Jones video game. And the second thing is, yes, it’s as awful as you might guess, both in terms of its racism, homophobia and misogyny, and that it’s just a dreadful game. But there’s a third thing, and it’s more interesting: it’s really weird.Read more
Hillary Clinton Calls on Biden Administration to Regulate Cryptocurrency — Warns of Manipulation by Russia, China
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has called on the Biden administration to regulate the cryptocurrency markets. She warned that countries like Russia or China, as well as nonstate actors, could manipulate all kinds of technology to their advantage and destabilize countries as well...
Hillary Clinton Warns Cryptocurrency Could Destabilize Nations, Undermine Dollar as World’s Reserve Currency
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has urged nation-states to “start paying greater attention to the rise of cryptocurrency.” She warned that crypto could undermine the role of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and could destabilize nations. Hillary Clinton...
Sonic Smut Is Flooding Trump’s New Social Network
Nary a month after the dramatic implosion of former president (and current Twitter refugee) Donald Trump’s attempted blogging career, the septuagenarian authoritarian’s “team” of grifting enablers has launched its latest attempt at a social network for folks who are just too darn patriotic...