
Nalezeno "hornet": 9

Americká letadlová loď USS Hornet: Letadlovka proměněná v muzeum

Na západním pobřeží USA si mohou návštěvníci prohlédnout dvě letadlové lodě zpřístupněné jako plovoucí muzea. Pro turisty je lákavější nablýskaná USS Midway v San Diegu, okupovaná davy od samého rána. Autorovi článku ale více přirostla k srdci oprýskaná „Sršeň,“ nenápadně kotvící v nákladním...

This Is Why The Car From Daytona USA Is Kicking Ass In A Fighting Game

It’s come to my attention that some people on the internet aren’t aware of the greatest character ever to grace a fighting game. So today, we’re going to discuss the Hornet from Daytona USA and what it’s doing punching and kicking people with its tires in the amusing tweet below.Read more

Michael Saylor: Bitcoin’s Cyber Hornet

Michael Saylor has been a bitcoin evangelist and dollar doomsayer for less than 6 months. But the bits that would become his bitcoin philosophy began forming three decades ago

Bitcoin History Part 19: Wikileaks and the Hornet’s Nest

“WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us.” With those 13 words, Satoshi Nakamoto stepped into oblivion, leaving a blizzard of unanswered questions that would enshroud his disappearance. That ominous message was to prove his penultimate forum...

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